Douglas Richburg ئاپەکان

Poisonous Snakes Of The World 1.0
Douglas Richburg
The Poisonous Snakes Memory Game is a scorekept matching game, featuring various poisonous snakes of theworld. This game is free and challenges the memory. Score is keptalowing you to try and do better each time.Another thrilling feature to the Poisonous Snakes Memory Gamethat makes it even more awesome then just a matching game - youmust find the icons that match in some way! When you make a linkedmatch the poisonous snakes game for kids & adults will show thelink. You also get some help along the way.The Poisonous Snakes Memory Game is addictive and will challengeyour memory. Have Fun!!!People often run across poisonous snakes and never realize itbecause they have no idea what they look like or what areas theyare found living in around the world. Although the Rattlesnake isidentified by it rattle, other snakes will not be that easy toidentify if you are unfamiliar with snakes. If you are traveling toother areas of the country or the world, you should know whatpoisonous snakes are located in those areas before you go. The moreyou know about poisonous snakes of the world and their ability tostrike and how toxic they are, the better prepared you would be ifyou saw one.Non poisonous snakes are normally really safe to handle,especially pet snakes and reptiles that are habituated to beingpicked up. Even the species of snakes in the wild that are nonpoisonous are quite able to be handled without fear of being bitten(the exception being water snakes and other kinds which arenaturally aggressive). If you do need to pick up a reptile, takeyour time to move leisurely, and slide your hand under the belly ofthe snake near the tail part. If you move rapidly, or from above,it may think you are a hunter. After you succeed in lifting thesnake and are holding it, don't hold it by the tail, just supportit loosely with both hands (grip loosely but firmly, if you squeezetoo hard it might damage it), and let the snake explore it's wayaround arms and hands. If the reptile feels agitated, or goes intoa strike position, it is best to slowly, but gently replace thesnake in it's box.I after about ten minutes of listening to another's comments andmyself on the grass (from our vehicle and through my camera), wherethe snake had to be unable to come to the conclusion he was alive,not to mention the revered Black Mamba, now that took everyone'sattention. I thought about it for a few seconds and decided it wasnot very likely that one of those poisonous snakes. If it was, itprobably would move now, or at least rustled the grass orleaves.Snakebites, although uncommon, must not be underestimated. Avictim's age does not have an impact on the seriousness ofsnakebites, but size will. That is the reason why infants andyoungsters are much more vulnerable to envenomation. Nonetheless,not all snakes are poisonous. Non poisonous snakes possess slenderheads, sleek tapered bodies, no facial pits, rounded pupils, anddouble row of teeth. Pit vipers have arrow head or triangular head,with facial pits in between the eyes and nostril, vertical orelliptical pupils, and movable fangs. Lastly, cobras have thecharacteristic hoods, that spread once they are threatened.Rattlesnakes are one of four poisonous snakes that inhabit theUnited States. There are several different varieties of rattlesnake that can be found across all of the contiguous 48 states ofthe United States: the Prairie Rattlesnake, the EasternDiamondback, the Timber Rattlesnake, and the Western Diamondback.Some of the rattlesnake species are comparably small, while otherspecies can grow as long as 8 feet. The Diamondback Rattlesnake,located in western states, is responsible for more snake biterelated deaths in the U.S. than any other snake.The Poisonous Snakes Memory Game is addictive and will challengeyou.
Steam Trains Memory Game 1.0
Douglas Richburg
The Steam Trains Memory Game is a score keptmatching game, featuring various steam trains of the world. Thisgame is free and challenges the memory. Score is kept alowing youto try and do better each time.Another thrilling feature to the Steam Trains Memory Game thatmakes it even more awesome then just a matching game - you mustfind the icons that match in some way! When you make a linked matchthe steam train game for kids & adults will show the link. Youalso get some help along the way.The Steam Trains Memory Game is addictive and will challengeyour memory. Have Fun!!!Steam trains are popular to stir up the images of a time goneby, when stream train tours were the order of the day and were apopular mode of commuting from one place to another. Even with thearrival of diesel engines, steam locomotive is among the mostfavorite of people who would like to enjoy the pleasures of ajourney while witnessing absolutely outstanding scenery.Steam trains are somewhat vintage transport, though leisurely tripsare certainly still available for those who like to travel instyle. If you get the chance to drive a steam train you can see howone of these glorious machines really works.The steam trains that will be running on Mothering Sunday willinclude the dining carriage in First Class. The meals served inthis carriage are always exceptionally popular and you willexperience a wonderful three course meal to enjoy. The Avon ValleyRailway are already starting to take bookings for this day so ifyou are thinking of taking advantage of it, make sure you contactthem now to make an enquiry.Model steam trains are now becoming more and more popular withpeople from all over the world. As the age of steam has passed byand they are very rare to find, the excitement around the old styleof transportation has grown. This is very true with model trainhobbyists who are some of the most interested people in the steamage.The model steam trains era pieces seem to be a little moredifficult to find versus the modern day train models. The steamlocomotive era is also more expensive hobby to have to invest into.Even some of the secondhand merchants are very limited on thesupplies that they carry. It is normal however, when you are firststarting out in your hobby to mix and match the different eras.Although when you have gained some experience and knowledge of whatera you are wanting to go with you will have a better understandingof what you are looking for when you go to purchase pieces. Whenbuilding your train station and surrounding village you will alsohave to pick what scenery you would like for your hobby. You canchoose so many like the mountains with trees and lakes or a countrysetting like in the Wild West westerns.The Steam Trains Memory Game will hold your attention for hourson end. Enjoy!
Painted Pottery Game 1.0
Douglas Richburg
The Painted Pottery Memory Game is a scorekept matching game, featuring pottery of the world. This game isfree and challenges the memory. Score is kept allowing you to tryand do better each time.Another thrilling feature to the Painted Pottery Memory Gamethat makes it even more awesome then just a matching game - youmust find the icons that match in some way! When you make a linkedmatch the pottery game for kids & adults will show the link.You also get some help along the way.The Painted Pottery Memory Game is addictive and will challengeyour memory. Have Fun!!!Pottery is the ceramic act of making pottery wares, of whichmajor types include earthenware, stoneware and porcelain. The placewhere such wares are made is also called a pottery (plural"potteries"). Pottery also refers to the art or craft of a potteror the manufacture of pottery.Pottery originated during the Neolithic period. Ceramic objectslike the Gravettian culture Venus of Dolní Věstonice figurinediscovered in the Czech Republic date back to 29,000–25,000 BC, andpottery vessels discovered in Jiangxi, China date back to 20,000BP. Early Neolithic pottery has also been found in Jomon Japan(10,500 BC), the Russian Far East (14,000 BC), Sub Saharan Africaand South America.Pottery is made by forming a clay body into objects of arequired shape and heating them to high temperatures in a kilnwhich removes all the water from the clay, which induces reactionsthat lead to permanent changes including increasing their strengthand hardening and setting their shape. A clay body can be decoratedbefore or after firing. Prior to some shaping processes, clay mustbe prepared. Kneading helps to ensure an even moisture contentthroughout the body. Air trapped within the clay body needs to beremoved. This is called de airing and can be accomplished by amachine called a vacuum pug or manually by wedging. Wedging canalso help produce an even moisture content. Once a clay body hasbeen kneaded and de aired or wedged, it is shaped by a variety oftechniques. After shaping it is dried and then fired.Pottery was in use in ancient India, including areas now formingPakistan and northwest India, during the Mehrgarh Period II (5,5004,800 BC) and Merhgarh Period III (4,800 3,500 BC), known as theceramic Neolithic and chalcolithic. Pottery, including items knownas the ed Dur vessels, originated in regions of the Saraswati River/ Indus River and have been found in a number of sites in the IndusCivilization.Pottery has been found in archaeological sites across theislands of Oceania. It is attributed to an ancient archaeologicalculture called the Lapita. A form of pottery called Plainware isfound throughout sites of Oceania. The relationship between Lapitapottery and Plainware is not altogether clear.In pottery, a potter's wheel is a machine used in the shaping ofround ceramic ware. The wheel may also be used during the processof trimming the excess body from dried ware and for applyingincised decoration or rings of color. Use of the potter's wheelbecame widespread throughout the Old World but was unknown in thePre Columbian New World, where pottery was handmade by methods thatincluded coiling and beating.İznik pottery, named after the town in western Anatolia where itwas made, is a decorated ceramic that was produced from the lastquarter of the 15th century until the end of the 17th century.Painted Pottery continued to be produced throughout all of thedynasties of Chinese history though it has almost always existed inthe shadow of porcelain. Along with Celadon porcelain it was themain product used by the people for their day to day activities.Cooking and food preparation was usually done with pottery ratherthan with porcelain.The Painted Pottery Memory Game is addictive and will challengeyour memory. Have Fun!!!
Exotic Bird Breeds Game 1.0
Douglas Richburg
The Bird Breeds Memory Game is a score keptmatching game, featuring various bird breeds of the world. Thisgame is free and challenges the memory. Score is kept alowing youto try and do better each time.Another thrilling feature to the Bird Breeds Memory Game thatmakes it even more awesome then just a matching game - you mustfind the icons that match in some way! When you make a linked matchthe steam train game for kids & adults will show the link. Youalso get some help along the way.The Bird Breeds Memory Game is addictive and will challenge yourmemory. Have Fun!!!There are many reasons why someone would keep a pet bird or parrot.For some, it is a symbol of their social status and for others, itis their love for animals that makes them adopt pets. Birds makeexcellent pets. Compared to the other pets, they are easier tomaintain and there is much less hassle in feeding and taking careof them. Australians love keeping birds and parrots as pets. Thereare a large number of native species as well as internationallypopular parrots like conures, macaws and amazons. There are manybird breeds within Australia to choose from. And once you have madeyour choice of pet bird, it is time to consider bird cages and birdfood to find the right ones for your pet.Some bird breeds however do tend to be a little more difficultto tame (finches for example), they'll sit on your hand or fingerok but would often rather get away from you, and are less likely totake food offerings (unfortunately I don't know why that is so) butmy findings are based on my own personal experience with thesebirds so if you've had better luck or you get better look with thisthen good for you! (Please let me know how you've managed it, I'dlove to learn where I'm going wrong). Most parrot like species(budgies, cockatiels etc) however are a different matter and willreadily take to hand taming as long as this is approached in thecorrect manner.Remember that whilst trying to tame your pet bird suddenmovements or loud noises are a no no, you don't want to frightenthe poor thing, talk softly, move slowly and don't shout at yourbird, even if it does misbehave.The common blackbird breeds in temperate Eurasia, North Africa,the Canary Islands, and South Asia. It has been introduced toAustralia and New Zealand. Populations are sedentary in the southand west of the range, although northern birds migrate south as faras northern Africa and tropical Asia in winter. Urban males aremore likely to overwinter in cooler climes than rural males, anadaptation made feasible by the warmer microclimate and relativelyabundant food that allow the birds to establish territories andstart reproducing earlier in the year.Normally birds live in terrestrial biomes while some live inoceans. Thus appropriate climatic conditions and environs are to becreated when you keep birds as pets.A variety of interesting things can be learned from most of thedomestic bird breeds. For example their nesting, feeding youngones, migration, mating and companionship with mates, etc. isinteresting to observe. Besides this, Pet bird breeds also gives anopportunity to understand communication between these birds, theirinteraction, various visual signals, humming, and a large varietyof sounds.  It is a learning experience to see theirintelligence and see their capability to transmit culture andknowledge to new generations.Raising birds requires a financial and time commitment. The typeof bird for you will depend greatly on the commitment you arewilling to make while considering one as a pet. Most of them fallinto the categories of Parrot, Dove and Pigeons, Soft bills andFinches. Bird breeders intensively research and take great care topreserve the rare and captivating bird breeds.The Bird Breeds Memory Game will challenge your memory and focusyour attention. Fun for all.
Dirty Truth On Weight Training 1.0
Douglas Richburg
If you're looking to get in shape a goodweight training program maybe recommended for you. If you havenever worked out with weights, you may be thinking that this isn'tthe type of exercise for you. In this ebook you will findinformation that will finally separate the myths from the facts soyou can make up your own mind as to whether weight lifting is theroute you should go to get into great shape. You will discover thedifference between weight lifting for weight loss, strength andbuilding huge muscles.
Relaxing Aquarium Game 1.0
Douglas Richburg
The Relaxing Aquarium Memory Game is a scorekept matching game, featuring various aquarium scenes. This game isfree and challenges the memory. Score is kept allowing you to tryand do better each time.Another thrilling feature to the Relaxing Aquarium Memory Gamethat makes it even more awesome then just a matching game - youmust find the icons that match in some way! When you make a linkedmatch the aquarium game for kids & adults will show the link.You also get some help along the way.The Relaxing Aquarium Memory Game is addictive and willchallenge your memory. Have Fun!!!Aquarium kits are just the thing. Giving a baby an aquarium packageand educating him the right way to elevate his own fish isn't onlya interest that can maintain him occupied for many years, it willadditionally teach him essential values such as duty and compassionfor animals. This present is actually among the best kinds ofpresents that you can ever give to a child.Aquariums serve as the best product, which are meant forincreasing the beauty of any set up. Only by placing an aquarium,it will truly not look good. For this sake, best quality oflighting needs to be used as natural light is actually insufficientfor the marine life to be visible clearly. The finest quality ofaquarium led lighting needs to be got for this purpose and thiscondition can surely be satisfied if you choose to avail theaquarium lighting service that is provided by Aqua lighting Ltd.Here, it is sure that you can get the finest quality of LED lightat reasonable rates and hence, definitely proves to be a worthybuy. By this, your time and money is sure to be saved and the lookof the aquariums will surely be improved. Aqua lighting Ltd assistscustomers by providing with power saving and stunning illuminationsystem, by which, the look of the fish tanks are augmented in thebest manner.Aquarium hoods and lighting is an important aspect when keepingan aquarium. Proper fish tank lighting maintains the health of thefish and the plants in your aquarium. Your goal in aquariumlighting is to recreate the natural habitat of your organisms. Withso many different types of fish tank lighting and hoods availablein the market, it becomes confusing to select the right one.Aquarium hoods act as a guard, preventing fish from leaping out ofthe aquarium, and make an excellent place to connect yourlights.Aquarium hoods are made up of different materials. The mostcommon way to light your aquarium is by using regular hoods thatcovers the tank and contains one or more bulbs for lighting. Somehoods are attached with fans to maintain the temperature of theaquarium and water.Aquariums have a beautiful look and style that adds interest toany home. Whether it's a small aquarium in a kitchen or a largeaquarium placed in the center of the room, these pieces serve asamazing focal points. With the increase in do it yourself websitespopping up, far too many people think that can build their ownaquariums. Those who want the best of the best know that workingwith aquarium buildings and aquarium contractors is a far betteroption.Aquarium ornaments have the tendency to look stiff and lifeless.If you examine the various types of aquarium accessories sold, theyusually depict sunken ship, old establishments or dead pirates.However if you would go for an aquarium theme this is more naturaland refreshing, then the Asian Theme is the right choice foryou.An aquarium kit is an entire system. It incorporates all that youwould need to efficiently breed fish. This contains the tank, thefiltration system, heater, lights, gravel and a few decor. All youwould want to do is add water and some fish and you're good to go.These kits are designed to be extraordinarily easy to arrange andvery straightforward to keep up, making it supreme for anychild.The Relaxing Aquarium Memory Game is addictive and will challengeyour memory. Enjoy.
Flowers For Mom Game 1.0
Douglas Richburg
The Flowers For Mom Game is a matching gamefeaturing various flowers of the world. This game is free andchallenges the memory. Score is kept allowing you to try and dobetter each time.Another thrilling feature to the Flowers For Mom Game that makes iteven more awesome then just a matching game - you must find theicons that match in some way! When you make a linked match theflowers for mom game for kids & adults will show the link. Youalso get some help along the way.The Flowers For Mom Game is addictive and will challenge yourmemory. Have Fun!!!While there were local celebrations honoring mothers in the late1800's, Mother's Day did not become an official holiday until 1910in the United States. The recognition of Mother's Day as a officialnational holiday in U.S. was largely due to the efforts of MissAnna Jarvis. In 1907, Miss Anna began a campaign to establish anational Mother's Day to honor all mothers, living and dead. MissAnna Jarvis (the mother of Mother's Day) selected the pinkcarnations as the symbol for Mother's Day. She supplied whiteflowers at the first service conducted in Grafton, West Virginia.Pink carnations are widelyaccepted for the Mother's Day because of the inherent quality ofsweetness, purity and endurance. England was one of the firstcountries to celebrate Mothering Sunday for a different reason.Today, Mother's Day is celebrated in more than 40 countries aroundthe world. Not all nations celebrate on the same day or for thesame reason, but they all celebrate the day with the loves for themothers and with beautiful flowers. In United States, besidesflowers Mother's Day Gift Baskets, Mother's Day Ring or Jewelry arepopular choices for Mother's day gifts.Flowers are peaceful, and they never do any harm, it never hurts totake the time to water your plants even if you didn't plant them,they provide us with the oxygen we need to live, and as long as weprovide them sunlight and water, they will keep us living.Flowers, which have been and continue to be the symbol of naturalbeauty throughout the ages, are one realm of fashion that has notdramatically evolved. This speaks strongly in favor of flowers,indicating their timelessness and perfection that needs noimprovement. Thus, when ordering flowers, what you need to consideris not the fashion of flowers, but the preference of the receiver.Once you have decided upon the type of flower, you must find aflower shop that provides your desired selection at optimalquality. A flower's quality depends very much on the care theflorist gives, but beyond theflorist's care, it is optimal that the flowers come straight fromthe growers or from a flower auction. This ensures their freshness,as the time spent in travel is diminished when flowers make fewertrips to reach their flower shop destination. Flowers are known topositively influence the human psyche, so be sure to go all the waywith this positive influence by buying the freshest flowers you canfind on the market.Flowers are considered to be the source of inspiration to people.Thus; fresh flowers are used as a gift article in variousoccasions. Certain occasions related to this are categorized suchas Birthdays, Get Well, Anniversary, Thank You, Love, Sympathy,Administrative Professionals Week, Wedding, Funeral, etc.Flowers have always been associated with human emotions and henceit is not surprising that they are an integral part of a weddingceremony. Every silk flower or artificial flower stands for aspecific attribute like roses stand for love, freesia representtrust while ferns stand for sincerity.This beautiful flowers for mom game will not only test your memorybut will give you flower ideas for mom as well.
Evolving Hairstyles Game 1.0
Douglas Richburg
The Evolution Hairstyles Game is a score keptmatching game, featuring various hairstyles of the world. This gameis free and challenges the memory. Score is kept allowing you totry and do better each time.Another thrilling feature to the Evolution Hairstyles Game thatmakes it even more awesome then just a matching game - you mustfind the icons that match in some way! When you make a linked matchthe hairstyles game for will show the link. You also get some helpalong the way.The Evolution Hairstyles Game is informative and will challengeyour memory. Have Fun!!!Short hairstyles are recommended for round face shaped persons.It is known as the best face lengthening haircut, that even has aslimming effect. There are several styling options to createdifferent looks with the same haircut.Curly hairstyles are just as easy to manage, but make sure youare using the proper products that match your hair type. Avoidbrushing when dry and make sure you wash it well after usingstyling products.Emo hairstyles can mean different things for different people.When you look at the different ways of emo hairstyles, it iswhatever will be most comfortable for those sporting the actualhairstyle. People who do not know about the emo hairstyle will notcompletely understand what is happening with this hairstyle.Teen hairstyles are always in change, to reflect the taste andstyle of the generation. They are the ones who dare to do anychange that can bring edginess in their look, without beingconcerned about the reactions after. They try colors, haircuts andhairstyles that make changes not in their life, but in the wholefashion industry. Here are a few of the most popular edgyhairstyles for teens.Wedding hairstyles are always unforgettable, flirtatious andromantic, especially when it is considered for brides. The perfectbridal hairstyle is the kind of hairstyle that transmits an angelicintensity. As you know marriages play a very important role inone's life, hence this is the most vital time of a woman when sheneeds an angelic look and an extra ordinary formal hairstyle tofulfill its dream. Everyone knows choosing the right weddinghairstyle is important to make the difference, after all marriagesare made in heaven and to bring heaven on this earth one needsmemorable appearance to reach the feeling of floating on clouds anddancing on air.Wedding hairstyles with modern and minimalistic look are slightlyunconventional. But this is not something that you can’t see in awedding. A slightly pulled ponytail at the back or a plain bob isall it takes to make a bold fashion statement at your wedding. Thebeauty of modern hairstyles complements facial feature, body type,and personality effortlessly. So it can be surely opt for thewedding theme.The best hairstyles are those that best compliment ones faceshape. The most important thing to do when determining the mostideal length of your hair is to consider the shape of your face.Doing so will help you make the best, confident and well informeddecisions as to which hairstyle to select. To ascertain whichhairstyle is the best one for you, start by combing out your haircompletely and look your face on the mirror straight on. Carefullytrace …The chunky hairstyles are very versatile, they can change from agood girl style to a punk rock look. Mixed in the most alternativeways with colors, the chunky hairstyles are low maintenancehaircuts that can be left just as got out of the bed. In othercases, it's perfectly smooth and straight, to give a betterdefinition to the colors added. This hairstyle is most of the timesshort cut, and recommended for thin hair and round face shapes. Itis a hairstyle that matches any wild personality.The Evolution Hairstyles Game is informative and will challengeyour memory.
Archery Memory Game 1.0
Douglas Richburg
The Archery Memory Game is a score keptmatching game. This game is free and challenges the memory. Scoreis kept allowing you to try and do better each time.Another thrilling feature to the Archery Memory Game that makes iteven more awesome then just a matching game - you must find theicons that match in some way! When you make a linked match thearchery game for kids & adults will show the link. You also getsome help along the way.The Archery Memory Game is addictive and will challenge yourmemory. Have Fun!!Archery is the practice or skill of propelling arrows with theuse of a bow. The word comes from the Latin arcus. Historically,archery has been used for hunting and combat. In modern times, itis mainily a competitive sport and recreational activity. A personwho participates in archery is typically called an archer or abowman—and a person who is fond of or an expert at archery issometimes called a toxophilite.Archery games have a lot more to provide to its patrons, thansimply earning prizes. It shows you the need for staying power toachieving your goal. It helps you observe that errors can also bebeneficial. It helps you to find out for yourself, how one can be agreater person, not merely when you are playing but also outside ofthe playing field.Archery was highly developed in Asia. The Sanskrit term forarchery, dhanurveda, came to refer to martial arts in general. InEast Asia, Goguryeo, one of the Three Kingdoms of Korea was wellknown for its regiments of exceptionally skilled archers.Archery as a sport could be a great source of fun, enjoyment andfulfillment. Here in our archery articles, it is presented invarious perspectives – archery and flight archery, archery andcombat archery, archery and clout archery, and more.The history of archery is included to give our readerssufficient information and background on this kind of sport. Also,there are articles that give an account on the lives of notablearchers. Others are tips in choosing appropriate equipment such asarrows and bow stabilizers.Archery and Mythological Notable Archers:Taking a look at Mythological figures in Archery, First that maycome to mind of course would be the Greeks. Apollo was one of thesenames that we know of in Greek Mythology as a symbol of variousthings. Apollo is often thought through this in the ways ofArchery, Just as one of many figures. In Cult Sites, Apollounusually among the Olympic deities, Apollo had two cult sites thathad widespread influence among there were: Delos and Delphi.Archery is one of the oldest sports that are still beingpracticed today. The bow and arrow can be traced back as far as thePaleolithic era (35,000 to 8000 B.C.), and is the most widely usedweapon in human history.Archery and Combat Archery:Combat Archery is probably one of the most widely used forms ofArchery next to hunting for the Archer. It has proven itself timeand time again. To show it's face in times when it had to be used.It has saved civilizations and brought devastation upon the loser,Victory for the predecessor. As we know of combat Archery today, Itis of a competition style more than what it is to kill anotherhuman.Archery seems to have arrived in the Americas via Alaska, as earlyas 6000 BCE, with the Arctic small tool tradition, about 2,500 BCE,spreading south into the temperate zones as early as 2,000 BCE, andwas widely known among the indigenous peoples of North America fromabout 500 CE. An archery game was widely practiced among thesocieties of the Southern US which involved shooting at a hooprolled with a forked stick. Points were scored based on how thearrow landed. The competition was popularly related to notions offertility. After the introduction of horses to the Americas,tribesmen of the Great Plains became extremely adept at archery onhorseback.The Archery Memory Game is addictive and will challenge yourmemory. Have Fun!!
Gift Of Fruit Game 1.0
Douglas Richburg
The Gift Of Fruit Game is a score keptmatching game, featuring various nutritious fruit of the world.This game is free and challenges the memory. Score is kept allowingyou to try and do better each time.Another thrilling feature to the Gift Of Fruit Game that makes iteven more awesome then just a matching game - you must find theicons that match in some way! When you make a linked match thefruit game for kids & adults will show the link. You also getsome help along the way.The Gift Of Fruit Game is addictive and will challenge your memory.Have Fun!!!Fruits are the ripened ovaries of plants. A flower blooms, isfertilized and seeds produced inside the ovary. The tissuesurrounding the ovary is called a pericarp and may be edible as isthe case with apples or hard and dry as is the case with nuts. Asimple fruit means one flower produces one ovary which results inone fruit. Succulent fruits have edible flesh surrounding the seedsor in the case of stone fruits the pit. Dry fruits do not. Forexample, an apple is a simple succulent fruit. Beans and peas aresimple dry fruits. Raspberries have one flower leading to multipleovaries. They are aggregate fruits. Multiple fruits are the resultof flowers that have fused. Pineapples are an example of multiplefruits.Fruits Classified as Vegetables. Many of what cooks classify asvegetables are actually fruits. Simple succulent vegetables includecucumbers, summer squash, winter squash and pumpkins. The hardcasing, or skin, surrounding the flesh is the pericarp.Make fruit your front line defense against acne and other healthproblems. If these fruits are included in the diet on a daily basisit will soon be apparent the skin is looking and feeling better andso will your body. You see an increase in energy and general overall good feeling you have not experienced in years.Dried fruit and fruit juice are also nutritious choices and goodfruits for diabetic patients, but the portion sizes must be keptsmall so they may not be as filling as other choices.Other fruits that can give you a leaner body are yellow mangoes,pomegranates, kumquats, papaya, star fruit, pineapples,strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, blackraspberries, and cherries. I’m sure there are more fruits that helpburn fat. So, feel free to add your favorites below.Organic fruit are not necessarily free of pesticides, however itseems that less of the toxins are retained in the body from organicvarieties. Studies done on children have shown that the pesticidelevels in the urine of youngsters who ate mainly organically grownproduce was five to seven times less than for those who ate fruitgrown using conventional farming techniques. This is good news forparents who buy fruit for their children and weaning babies.The Gift Of Fruit Game will challenge your memory for hours onend.
Cat Breeds Memory Game 1.0
Douglas Richburg
Cat Breeds Memory GameThe Cat Breeds Memory Game is a score kept matching game,featuring various cat breeds of the world. This game is free andchallenges the memory. Score is kept alowing you to try and dobetter each time.Another thrilling feature to the Cat Breeds Memory Game thatmakes it even more awesome then just a matching game - you mustfind the icons that match in some way! When you make a linked matchthe cat breeds game for kids & adults will show the link. Youalso get some help along the way.The Cat Breeds Memory Game is addictive and will challenge yourmemory. Have Fun!!!Cat breeds are not as different from each other that thedifferent breeds of dog, but there are still some powerfuldifferent kinds of cats there. Some breeds of cats are pets andpeople of other races who prefer cats out and independent. Some catbreeds are more prone to periods of silence, but sometimes cats ofdifferent breeds most votes are not very talkative.Are you fond of keeping pets? Do you have interest in keepingcats at home? If so, then you might be interested to keep theselarge kitty breeds. What are these large cat breeds? What are theadvantages of keeping these large kitty breeds at home? Do theselarge breed of kitty require special treatment? What are thecharacteristics of each large kitty cat breed? Get all the answersto these questions about the large kitty cat breeds by reading thisarticle. This piece of writing will provide you some relevantinformation and useful facts that you need to know about the largecat breeds.Cat breeds & cat food complement each other. Cats are quitepopular pets and there is an estimated 57 million pet cats in theUS only and this includes the various cat breeds in the world. Eachof the cat breeds has a different characteristic & personality.Persian cats are one of the most popular breeds and one of theoldest too. Also known as longhair or Persian longhair in Britain,they actually arrived in Britain from Iran and can be found allover the world today.Show quality cat breeds have started to become quite popular andthe Persian cat is one of the best show quality cat breed. Theyhave long thick coats, wide head with ears that are set quite farapart, short legs, large eyes, and an a fore shortened muzzle. Ifyou have a Persian cat then you need to clean her eyes on a dailybasis as it can often become gooey. Persian cats can be quite fussyabout their food and hence you need to provide her with top qualitycat food. The cat food should contain healthy amount of proteins,vitamins and minerals.If you have ever owned more than one cat then you wouldcertainly agree with the fact that not all cats are created equal.Just as with dogs and other pets the looks and personalities ofdifferent cats will vary depending on the breed. If you areconsidering what type of cat you would like to bring into yourhome, then it is important to consider the different cat breeds andtheir personalities.Some cat breeds require lots of brushing and maintenance to keepthem happy and healthy and others only discount twice a year. Theraces are usually differentiated by their bodies and faces, andsometimes distinctive physical characteristics such as the tail orears folded. Remember that kittens are similar, but, like purebreddogs, different breeds of cats tend to have their own traits thatMay or May not to influence your decision. Some breeds of cats tendto be better with children or other pets, while other breeds ofcats are generally more distant and prefer a more solitaryexistence.Over time, cat breeds have evolved tremendously. Many, manyyears ago, domestic felines were primarily used for the purpose ofkeeping the rodent population under control. As time passed, theywere bred to suit the needs of people, resulting in over 70different breeds.The Cat Breeds Memory Game is addictive and will exercise yourmind for hours. Have Fun!!!
Fire and Rescue Equipment Game 1.0
Douglas Richburg
The Fire and Rescue Equipment Game is a scorekept matching game, featuring various steam trains of the world.This game is free and challenges the memory. Score is kept allowingyou to try and do better each time.Another thrilling feature to the Fire and Rescue Equipment Gamethat makes it even more awesome then just a matching game - youmust find the icons that match in some way! When you make a linkedmatch the fire and rescue equipment game for kids & adults willshow the link. You also get some help along the way.The Fire and Rescue Equipment Game is addictive and willchallenge your memory. Have Fun!!!FIREPAC (Fire Fighters Interested in Registration and EducationPolitical Action Committee) is the federally registered politicalaction committee of the IAFF. FIREPAC was established in 1978 andhas grown into the top one percent of all federally registeredPACs. During the 2009 – 2010 election cycle FIREPAC raised $3million and was the tenth largest PAC in terms of donations tofederal candidates. Within organized labor, FIREPAC has been themost bi partisan PAC during the last decade, contributing a largerpercent of its donations to Republican candidates than any otherunion. The IAFF follows a simple philosophy when it supportingcandidates – they support those who support them, regardless ofparty affiliation or one’s political leanings.The International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) is a laborunion representing professional firefighters in the United Statesand Canada. The IAFF was formed in 1918 and is affiliated with theAFL CIO in the United States and the Canadian Labour Congress inCanada. The IAFF is headquartered in Washington, D.C. and has some300,000 members in more than 3,200 locals and affiliates in everyU.S. state and in Canada..Ventilation affects life safety, fire extinguishment, and propertyconservation. First, it pulls fire away from trapped occupants whenproperly used. In most cases of structural firefighting a 4x4 footopening is cut into the roof directly over the fire room. Thisallows hot smoke and gases to escape through the opening returningthe conditions of the room to normal. It is important thatventilation is coordinated with interior fire attack as the openingof a ventilation hole will give the fire air. [clarificationneeded] It may also "limit fire spread by channeling fire towardnearby openings and allows fire fighters to safely attack the fire"as well as limit smoke, heat, and water damage.President Harold A. Schaitberger is the ninth president in theIAFF’s 95 year history, and was the first to have been elected byacclamation in 200 He was re elected to another four year term inJuly 201 Under President Schaitberger’s leadership, the IAFF’sPolitical Action Committee, FIREPAC, has grown to more than $6million and ranks among the top one percent of PACs in the nation.His commitment to ensuring that the IAFF supports candidates andlawmakers who are friendly to fire fighters and their issues,regardless of political party, has significantly enhanced theunion’s power and influence at all levels of politics.The mission of the IAFF Fallen Fire Fighter Memorial, located inthe shadow of Pikes Peak in Colorado Springs, Colorado, is to honorthe sacrifice made by IAFF members as professional fire fightersand emergency medical personnel who have given their lives in theline of duty. Their names are etched on this Wall of Honor andtribute is paid each year to those who died between June 1 and May3.The Fire and Rescue Equipment Game is provides hours of fun andchallenges your mind.
Dog Beds Memory Game 1.0
Douglas Richburg
The Dog Beds Memory Game is a score keptmatching game, featuring various dogs and their sleeping quarters.This game is free and challenges the memory. Score is kept allowingyou to try and do better each time.Another thrilling feature to the dog beds memory game that makesit even more awesome then just a matching game - you must find theicons that match in some way! When you make a linked match the dogbeds game for kids & adults will show the link. You also getsome help along the way.The Dog Beds Memory Game is addictive and will challenge yourmemory. Have Fun!!!Dog beds are in different size as the dogs are different. Thereare suitable for small Chihuahuas which are so tiny that they cansit on your palm. There are also bed sizes for bigger dogs as GreatDanes. Dog beds are designed for dog comfort and easy cleaning.Some of them are like real beds, others are like real furniture.Beds for old dogs are designed to comfort him and his aching bonesand joints. Also there are different types of dog beds depending onwhat is your pets preferable position for sleeping if he likes to.Stretch out or to curl up into a circle. There are dog beds whichblend in with your home décor.Dirty Dog Beds is a UK based company specializing in durable,hard wearing, water proof dog beds. It sells it beds at fairs,hunting meets, dog shows and shops around the country.Washable Dog Beds come in many styles however my suggestion isto buy a dog bed that has removable covers and buy some extras sothat you can replace the cover while the other is being washed.A great option is the 'Big Dog Bed' which is more like a dogmattress than a dog bed. As well as measuring an impressive 1300mmx 880mm to accommodate the larger breeds this dog been has beendesigned with clever memory foam tops the thick inner of this bedwhich molds beautifully to the contours of the dog's body ensuringthe all over even support which is important for older dogs orthose recovering from surgery. These dog beds also have a lowimpact, dampening effect make them ideal for older dogs, big orheavy dogs and dogs with joint problems.You need to make sure that you buy the right size bed for yourdog. He or she needs to be comfortable when they are sleeping andthis will mean paying attention to the size of bed you buy. Youshould make sure that you choose a bed that will allow your dog tolay down in it without feeling cramped or as though there is toomuch space around it. Most of the dog beds that are available comein standard sizes – small, medium and large although it is possibleto buy larger sizes for very big dogs. Oval Dog Beds are the primechoice of many owners that want complete comfort and practicalityfor their pet. By design, the oval Dog Beds create the perfectsleeping position and it'll be a welcoming sight to see your pupcurled inside their new sleeping arrangement.Many outdoor dog beds can simply be hosed down so check for thisoption as this is a practical choice for an outdoor dog bed. Withour price range in mind we set out to find a comfy, cozy, soft, dogbed for our small dog that would keep her warm, and provide a safeplace for her to go to , but also a dog bed that would befit ourprincess and her personality. There are so many to choose fromthough, you have corner beds, soft beds, covered dog beds,orthopedic dog beds, expensive luxury dog beds, etc., and the listgoes on and on.Memory foam dog beds are not only soft and comfortable; theyoffer all the support that any dog could need. Whatsoever the size,weight or age of your dog, memory foam technology allows for thetotal support of every joint and muscle.The Dog Beds Memory Game is fun and will challenge your memory.Have Fun!!!
Astrology Game 1.0
Douglas Richburg
The Astrology Memory Game is a score keptmatching game.. This game is free and challenges the memory. Scoreis kept allowing you to try and do better each time.Another thrilling feature to the Astrology Memory Game thatmakes it even more awesome then just a matching game - you mustfind the icons that match in some way! When you make a linked matchthe astrology game for kids & adults will show the link. Youalso get some help along the way.The Astrology Memory Game is addictive and will challenge yourmemory. Have Fun!Astrology, in its broadest sense, is the search for meaning inthe sky.:2,3 Early evidence for humans making conscious attempts tomeasure, record, and predict seasonal changes by reference toastronomical cycles, appears as markings on bones and cave walls,which show that lunar cycles were being noted as early as 25,000years ago.:81ff This was a first step towards recording the Moon'sinfluence upon tides and rivers, and towards organizing a communalcalendar. Farmers addressed agricultural needs with increasingknowledge of the constellations that appear in the differentseasons—and used the rising of particular star groups to heraldannual floods or seasonal activities. By the 3rd millennium BCE,civilizations had sophisticated awareness of celestial cycles, andmay have oriented temples in alignment with heliacal risings of thestars.Astrology was taken up by Islamic scholars following thecollapse of Alexandria to the Arabs in the 7th century, and thefounding of the Abbasid empire in the 8th. The second Abbasidcaliph, Al Mansur (754–775) founded the city of Baghdad to act as acentre of learning, and included in its design a librarytranslation centre known as Bayt al Hikma 'House of Wisdom', whichcontinued to receive development from his heirs and was to providea major impetus for Arabic Persian translations of Hellenisticastrological texts. The early translators included Mashallah, whohelped to elect the time for the foundation of Baghdad, and Sahlibn Bishr, (a.k.a. Zael), whose texts were directly influentialupon later European astrologers such as Guido Bonatti in the 13thcentury, and William Lilly in the 17th century. Knowledge of Arabictexts started to become imported into Europe during the Latintranslations of the 12th century, which helped initiate theEuropean Renaissance.Astrology saw a popular revival starting in the 19th century, aspart of a general revival of spiritualism and—later, New Agephilosophy,:239–249 and through the influence of mass media such asnewspaper horoscopes.:259–263 Early in the 20th century thepsychiatrist Carl Jung developed some concepts concerningastrology, which led to the development of psychologicalastrology.Astrology is considered totally wrong by the scientific community.The scientific community called it superstitions, but the communityof psychology explains it positively. Some people say thatastrology has relationship with science.Astrology has a great history. From the ancient time the peopleof the world have been practicing this thing. Before 3000 B.C,people practiced it, which is recorded. It plays an important roleto shape of the culture of the world. Astrology has relationshipwith astronomy, the Vedas and various kinds of historicalincidents.Astrology and astronomy were archaically treated together(Latin: astrologia), and were only gradually separated in Western17th century philosophy (the "Age of Reason") with the rejection ofastrology. During the later part of the medieval period, astronomywas treated as the foundation upon which astrology couldoperate.The Astrology Memory Game is addictive and will challenge yourmemory. Enjoy.
Good Memories Bowling Game 1.0
Douglas Richburg
The Good Memories Bowling Game is a score keptmatching game, featuring images that brings back memories of yourfavorite outings. This game is free and challenges the memory.Score is kept allowing you to try and do better each time.Another thrilling feature to the Good Memories Bowling Game thatmakes it even more awesome then just a matching game - you mustfind the icons that match in some way! When you make a linked matchthe steam train game for kids & adults will show the link. Youalso get some help along the way.The Good Memories Bowling Game is addictive and will challengeyour memory. Have Fun!!!Bowling is one of the most popular sports in the world. In bowling,players attempt to score the most points by rolling a ball along aflat surface in order to knock down objects called pins. There areseveral types of bowling games, but the official, and most popular,bowling game is ten pin bowling.Bowling lane A long plane where a bowling ball rolls towards thepins. Long wooden boards are joined together to form a 75 foot longand 5 foot wide lane. The wooden plane is very smooth. It requiresmaintenance by cleaning and polishing.Bowling ball retriever A device that retrieves the ball after everyshot, and returns it, via a tunnel, to the player at the other endof the alley.Bowling a strike can be the toughest accomplishment to manybowlers. What most bowlers know is that there must be rhythm totheir technique. It needs to flow naturally for the best responseand action. However, we find out early that bowling a strike is notso simply done. Knowing how to bowl a strike can mean thedifference between winning and losing, and no one like to lose.Let9;s dig a little deeper into the subject of how to bowl astrike.Bowling refers to a series of sports or leisure activities in whicha player rolls or throws a bowling ball towards a target. In pinbowling variations, the target is usually to knock over pins at theend of a lane. In target variations, the aim is usually to get theball as close to a mark as possible. The pin version of bowling isoften played on a flat wooden or other synthetic surface, whilst intarget bowling, the surface may be grass, gravel or a syntheticsurface. The most common types of pin bowling include ten pin, ninepin, candlepin, duckpin and five pin bowling, while in targetbowling, bowls, bocce, carpet bowls, pétanque and boules, bothindoor and outdoor varieties, are popular. Today, the sport ofbowling is enjoyed by 100 million people in more than 90 countriesworldwide.Bowling balls vary, depending on the type of bowling game. Ten pinballs are large, up to 2760;inches in circumference (approximately5960;inches diameter), and have as many as twelve holes, typicallythree holes. The balls come in various weights from 6 to 1660;lbs,with the size and spacing of the finger holes often smaller onlighter balls to accommodate smaller hands. Different kinds ofballs are available for different styles of bowling. There areballs for hook shots and balls for bowling straight. The bowlingballs meant for hook shots have different core shapes and differentchemical covers. There are a few types of chemical covers thatallow a bowling ball to hook more. One of these types of covers isa resin cover. This resin cover is designed to move and absorb theoil on the lane to create a path for the bowler where there is lessoil, increasing the amount of hook of the bowling ball. Balls forother games vary, e.g., candlepin balls which fit in the palm ofthe hand need no holes. Unlike most sports, the ball can bedifferent weights based upon the player.The Good Memories Bowling Game keeps your love of the game activeand will challenge your memory. Have Fun!!!
Monstrous Gargoyles Game 1.0
Douglas Richburg
The Monstrous Gargoyles Game is a scorekeptmatching game, featuring various gargoyles of the world. Thisgameis free and challenges the memory. Score is kept allowing youtotry and do better each time.Another thrilling feature to the The Monstrous GargoylesGamethat makes it even more awesome then just a matching game -youmust find the icons that match in some way! When you make alinkedmatch the gargoyles game for kids & adults will show thelink.You also get some help along the way.The The Monstrous Gargoyles Memory Game is addictive andwillchallenge your memory. Have Fun!!!Gargoyles were viewed in two ways by the church throughouthistory.The primary use was to convey the concept of evil throughthe formof the gargoyle, which was especially useful in sending astarkmessage to the common people, most of whom wereilliterate.Gargoyles also are said to scare evil spirits away fromthe church,this reassured congregants that evil was kept outside ofthechurch’s walls. However, some medieval clergy viewed gargoylesas aform of idolatry. In the 12th century St. Bernard of Clairvauxwasfamous for speaking out against gargoyles:Yet, these mythological statues weren't always so mystical,inthe beginning they had very practical uses. The pattern ofthesegargoyles was created to serve as rain spouts that wouldprohibitwater from collecting on top of Gothic cathedrals andcastles as itwould cause damage. The structures were built so thatthe rain ranoff the top of the building and out the spout placedwithin thecreature. Even without the magical undertones, it musthave been apretty nifty sight.Gargoyles send the garden in a darker direction although theycanbe comical as well. A host of gargoyles are waiting in thegardencentre. Some are contemplative, perched on a stone with agentleexpression while others can be absolutely frightening. Theyrange insize and there are certain gargoyles that appear to behappy, littlemonsters in contrast to those that have miserablefaces. Oftenthought of as guardians to keep out any other forms ofdarkness, itis up to the owner to decide what kind of gargoylewill make theperfect addition to a bountiful place that welcomesgrowingthings.The first known use of gargoyles began around 1200 A.D. inwhatis now the country of France. Their name originated from theFrenchword, gargouille, meaning throat. This makes more sense whenyouconsider that the original gargoyles were used as water spoutsandin combination with rain gutters. As the water ran out ofthegutter it would, most often, run out of the mouth ofthesegargoyles. These creatures were created to resemble animal orhumanparts or a combination of both. Lions, wolves, and eagleswerecommon animals that gargoyles were designed after.Sometime around 300 years later gargoyles became more widelyusedin decorating and artwork. These figures are correctlyreferred toas grotesques and are what have been used in front ofchurches andother buildings. They were, also, designed using humanand animalparts but would often use plant designs, as well. Thesestatues andfigures were used for indoor decorating, as well as,outdoor statuesthat we common picture when we here the word,gargoyle.Many medieval cathedrals included gargoyles and chimeras.Themost famous examples are those of Notre Dame de Paris.Althoughmost have grotesque features, the term gargoyle has come toincludeall types of images. Some gargoyles were depicted as monks,orcombinations of real animals and people, many of whichwerehumorous. Unusual animal mixtures, or chimeras, did not actasrainspouts and are more properly called grotesques. They servemoreas ornamentation, but are now synonymous with gargoyles.The The Monstrous Gargoyles Memory Game is addictive andwillchallenge your memory.
Coffee To Go Game 1.0
Douglas Richburg
The Coffee To Go Game is a score kept matchinggame, featuring the worlds favorite beverage. This game is free andchallenges the memory. Score is kept allowing you to try and dobetter each time.Another great feature to the Coffee To Go Memory Game that makesit even more awesome then just a matching game - you must find theicons that match in some way! When you make a linked match thecoffee game will show the link. You also get some help along theway.The Coffee To Go Game is addictive and will challenge yourmemory. Have Fun!Coffee cultivation first took place in Southern Arabia; theearliest credible evidence of coffee drinking appears in the middleof the 15th century in the Sufi shrines of Yemen. In the Horn ofAfrica and Yemen, coffee was used in local religious ceremonies. Asthese ceremonies conflicted with the beliefs of the Christianchurch, the Ethiopian Church banned the secular consumption ofcoffee until the reign of Emperor Menelik II. The beverage was alsobanned in Ottoman Turkey during the 17th century for politicalreasons, and was associated with rebellious political activities inEurope.Coffee is slightly acidic (pH 0–1) and can have a stimulatingeffect on humans because of its caffeine content. It is one of themost popular drinks in the world. It can be prepared and presentedin a variety of ways. The effect of coffee on human health has beena subject of many studies; however, results have varied in terms ofcoffee's relative benefit. The majority of recent research suggeststhat moderate coffee consumption is benign or mildly beneficial inhealthy adults. However, the diterpenes in coffee may increase therisk of heart disease.Coffee is a major export commodity: it was the top agriculturalexport for twelve countries in 2004, the world's seventh largestlegal agricultural export by value in 2005, and "the second mostvaluable commodity exported by developing countries," from 1970 tocirca 200 This last fact is frequently misstated; see commoditymarket, below. Further, green (unroasted) coffee is one of the mosttraded agricultural commodities in the world. Some controversy isassociated with coffee cultivation and its impact on theenvironment. Consequently, organic coffee is an expandingmarket.Coffee berries and their seeds undergo several processes beforethey become the familiar roasted coffee. Berries have beentraditionally selectively picked by hand; a labor intensive method,it involves the selection of only the berries at the peak ofripeness. More commonly, crops are strip picked, where all berriesare harvested simultaneously regardless of ripeness by person ormachine. After picking, green coffee is processed by one of twomethods—the dry process method, simpler and less labor intensive asthe berries can be strip picked, and the wet process method, whichincorporates fermentation into the process and yields a mildcoffee.Coffee is best stored in an airtight container made of ceramic,glass, or non reactive metal. Higher quality prepackaged coffeeusually has a one way valve which prevents air from entering whileallowing the coffee to release gases. Coffee freshness and flavoris preserved when it is stored away from moisture, heat, and light.The ability of coffee to absorb strong smells from food means thatit should be kept away from such smells. Storage of coffee in therefrigerator is not recommended due to the presence of moisturewhich can cause deterioration. Exterior walls of buildings whichface the sun may heat the interior of a home, and this heat maydamage coffee stored near such a wall. Heat from nearby ovens alsoharms stored coffee.The Coffee To Go Game is fun and will challenge your memory.Enjoy!
Cool Fishing Game 1.0
Douglas Richburg
The Cool Fishing Game is a timed, score keptmatching game, featuring fish native to the Chesapeake Bay. ThisFishing Game For Kids and Adults is free and challenges the memory.Score is kept allowing you to try and do better each time.Another thrilling feature to the Fishing Games For Adult thatmakes it even more awesome then just a matching game - you mustfind the icons that link together in some way! When you make alinked match the Cool Fishing Game it will show the link.Cool Fishing Game is an addictive race to find the matchinglinks that will challenge your memory. Have Fun!!!
Psychology Greats 1.0
Douglas Richburg
The Psychology Greats Memory Game is ascorekept matching game, featuring various psychologist from the19thcentury. This game is free and challenges the memory. Score iskeptallowing you to try and do better each time.Another thrilling feature to the Psychology Greats MemoryGamethat makes it even more awesome then just a matching game -youmust find the icons that match in some way! When you make alinkedmatch the Psychology Greats game will show the link. You alsogetsome help along the way.The Psychology Greats Game will challenge your memory.HaveFun!!!Psychologists may conduct basic research aiming forfurtherunderstanding in a particular area of interest inpsychology, orconduct applied research to solve problems in theclinic, workplaceor other areas. Masters level clinical programsaim to trainstudents in both research methods and evidence basedpractice.Professional associations have established guidelines forethics,training, research methodology and professional practice.Inaddition, depending on the country, state or region,psychologicalservices and the title "psychologist" may be governedby statuteand psychologists who offer services to the public areusuallyrequired to be licensed.A psychologist evaluates, diagnoses, treats, and studiesbehaviorand mental processes (see also the article aboutPsychology). Somepsychologists, such as clinical and counselingpsychologists,provide mental health care, and some psychologists,such as socialor organizational psychologists conduct research andprovideconsultation services.In Sweden the title "psychologist" is restricted in law. Itcanonly be used after receiving a license from the government.Thebasic requirements are a completed five years specialised courseinpsychology (equivalent of a Master's degree) and 12 monthsofpractice under supervision. All other uses are banned, thoughoftenchallenged. "Psychotherapist" follows similar rules but thebasiceducational demands are another 5 years (spread out overthreeyears) at a specialised course in psychotherapy (that do varya lotconcerning theoretical footing), in addition to an academicalleveldegree within a field concerning the treatment ofpeople(psychologist, social worker, psychiatrist a.s.o.). Othersthanpsychologist usually have to complete their education withbasiccourses in psychotherapy to meet the demands for theappliedpsychotherapy classes.Most typically, people encounter psychologists and think ofthediscipline as involving the work of clinical psychologistsorcounseling psychologists. While counseling and psychotherapyarecommon activities for psychologists, these applied fields arejustone branch in the larger domain of psychology. Researchandteaching comprise a major role among psychologists.Technologicaladvances in the future may increase the usage ofcomputerizedtesting and assessment services in order to do some ofthe jobs ofpsychologists, including recognizing mentaldisorders.Psychoanalytic theory and therapy were criticized bypsychologistssuch as Hans Eysenck, and by philosophers includingKarl Popper.Popper, a philosopher of science, argued thatpsychoanalysis hadbeen misrepresented as a scientific discipline,whereas Eysencksaid that psychoanalytic tenets had beencontradicted byexperimental data. By the end of 20th century,psychologydepartments in American universities had becomescientificallyoriented, marginalizing Freudian theory anddismissing it as a"desiccated and dead" historical artifact.Meanwhile, however,researchers in the emerging field of neuropsychoanalysis defendedsome of Freud's ideas on scientific grounds,while scholars of thehumanities maintained that Freud was not a"scientist at all, but... an interpreter."The Psychology Greats Game will challenge your memory.
Famed Footwear Memory Game 1.0
Douglas Richburg
The Famed Footwear Memory Game is a scorekeptmatching game, featuring various types of footwear of theworld.This game is free and challenges the memory. Score is keptallowingyou to try and do better each time.Another thrilling feature to the Famed Footwear Memory Gamethatmakes it even more awesome then just a matching game - youmustfind the icons that match in some way! When you make a linkedmatchthe famed footwear game for kids & adults will show thelink.You also get some help along the way.The Famed Footwear Memory Game is addictive and will challengeyourmemory.Footwear refers to garments worn on the feet, forfashion,protection against the environment, and adornment. Somecultureschose not to wear footwear, at least in somesituations.The footwear you will select for aerobics should be abletosupply stability. For example, if it has a relatively broadsectionof upper strap, the shoe will give protection and steadinessforthe forefoot.Rainy footwears should be selected with straps so that theydonot flap and cause long stripes of dirt on the back of theclothes.A sturdy pair of rubber boots or sports sandals would help.Waxpolish is always good on shoes, as they repel water, andpreventshoe damage. Wet footwear should not be kept inside thecloset, asthe moisture in the footwear will soften the glue orrugby in thesame. If they are not used for a long time, moisturemay even causecracks in the soles. A small packet of baking soda orcharcoal willprevent moisture, odor and bacteria from accumulatingin the shoes.Wet shoes can be stuffed with newspaper crumpled intoballs, asthey absorb the water from the inside part of the shoe.Evenstuffed tissue papers might leave white marks in the insidepart ofthe shoe. Deep stains on white canvas can be cleaned byrubbing itwith vinegar. Adding a thin rubber sole protector makesthe shoeswater resistant, and prolongs the life of shoes.Some footwear is designed so that it can be as casual aspossiblewhile providing the person wearing it with somethingunderneaththeir feet. The best example of casual wear could easilybe thesandal, and it is not unusual to go to a beach and see manypeoplewearing sandals. They allow the feet to get plenty of airand theycan be placed on and off. This allows people to slip themoff andenter the water.Leather footwear turns green, if not taken care properly.Wetshoes should be dried properly before they are put in thecabinet.Damp leather is sensitive to heat, which will harden theshoes, andform cracks, when flexed. They should never be drieddirectly underthe sunlight, as they will become as dry assandpaper. Leatherfootwears should be wrapped in a nice way andshould be put awayduring rainy seasons. If it is necessary to wearleather footwearduring rainy season, feet should not be slipped inand out of theshoes directly, and must be opened only by the laces.Socks are amust; even if they get wet as they act as a barrierbetween theskin and the leather. Direct skin contact with leatherfootwear cancause bacterial growth.The next type of footwear to be discussed is a very importanttypethat is wore many people within the workforce. This would betheproduct that is going to be most commonly referred to as aboot.Boots are wore by people that work in busy fields such astheconstruction industry. Many people that like to hike or exploretheoutdoor regions will buy specific kinds of boots that aredesignedfor this purpose. This type of shoe will typically shieldthe footand part of the leg completely.The Famed Footwear Memory Game is addictive and willchallengeyour memory.
Army Weapons 1.0
Douglas Richburg
The Army Weapons Game is a timed, scorekeptmatching game, featuring weapons used by the Army. ThisWeaponsGame is free and challenges the memory. Score is keptallowing youto try and do better each time.Another thrilling feature to the army memory game that makesiteven more awesome then just a matchinggame - you must find the icons that link together in some way!Whenyou make a linked match theArmy Weapons Game will show the link. You also get some helpalongthe way.Army Weapons is an addictive race to find the matching linksthatwill challenge your memory. Have Fun!!!
Hats For All Game 1.0
Douglas Richburg
The Hats For All Memory Game is a scorekeptmatching game, featuring various hats of the world. This gameisfree and challenges the memory. Score is kept allowing you totryand do better each time.Another thrilling feature to the Hats For All Memory Gamethatmakes it even more awesome then just a matching game - youmustfind the icons that match in some way! When you make a linkedmatchthe hats for all game for kids & adults will show thelink. Youalso get some help along the way.The Hats For All Memory Game is addictive and will challengeyourmemory. Have Fun!!!Hats are popular and hat styles also apply to this generalrule.There are hats that have gained popularityin streetstyle fashion over the years. Hats vary on styleevery season,but the major designs remain unchanged. A list of topstreet stylehats consists of:Baseball CapAny gender can wear this type of hat. Baseball caps play thebiggestrole in street style designs.BeaniesThese hats are helpful during winter as they remain stylish andcozyon the head. They will warm your ears during the cold seasonsof theyear.Hats are back in style and there remains no shortage of stylestochoose from. All one needs to do is to pick up a fashionmagazineor watch the style channel and you’ll see countlessexamples ofboth men and women sporting a variety of vogue fashionhead wearthat will make you want to run out and stock up on yourown! Thefun thing about hats, is that because there are so manystyles tochoose from, you can select a wide variety of them and beready forany occasion. Whether you choose at hat for a purelypracticalpurposes (to keep your head warm) or to make a personalstatementyou are sure to find something that will not only appealto you,but that you can afford as well.Hats often have a brim, and may be either placed on the head, orinthe case of some women's hats, secured with hat pins (whicharepushed through the hat and the hair).Hats also have the unique distinction of being able to suggestfromwhere your family originates as many hat styles hail fromveryspecific regions of the world. What other accessory can we saythatabout?Hats Plus made specifically for sun protection summer hats suchasthe summer straw hats, the summer fitted hats have been aroundforyears, were created to protect the head and facial area fromthesun. Wearing a hat has now become an investment in our futurewellbeing.The hats worn by women at the Derbies are vastly different andmoreornate, with wide brims, flowers, feathers and other accents.Theyare often worn tilted off to one side and are accompaniedbyparasols and expensive dresses. Again, think Audrey Hepburn inMyFair Lady.Hard hats are necessary safety equipment for mostconstructionsites. It is no longer just a good idea to protect thehead; it isnow a requirement (primarily due to liability issues)for theemployees of most companies. But just because nearly allsitesrequire hard hats does not mean that all of this equipmentiscreated equal. Even some construction workers may not realizethatthere are different types of hard caps with each offeringvariousadvantages for different situations versus others. Thispiece willtake a look at some of the various styles of headprotection andhow each benefits the wearer.The Hats For All Memory Game is addictive and will challengeyourmemory. Have Fun!!!
American Football Game Quiz 1.3
Douglas Richburg
Football In America Game QuizAmerican football has been played outside the US since the 1920sandaccelerated in popularity after World War II, especiallyincountries with large numbers of U.S. military personnel, whooftenformed a substantial proportion of the players and spectators.But,just how much do you know about the facts of football. OK. Youmayknow that American football is a sport played between two teamsofeleven with the objective of scoring points by advancing theballinto the opposing team's end zone but there's a lot more tothisgame. This football in America game quiz tests your knowledgeofthe game from it's roots to it's present form. There'ssomethinghere to test the knowledge of the entire American footballfanbase.
Beautiful Spring Flowers 1.0
Douglas Richburg
The Beautiful Spring Flowers Game is ascorekept matching game, featuring various flowers of the world.Thisgame is free and challenges the memory. Score is kept allowingyouto try and do better each time.Another thrilling feature to the Beautiful Spring FlowersGamethat makes it even more awesome then just a matching game -youmust find the icons that match in some way! When you make alinkedmatch the spring flowers game for kids & adults will showthelink. You also get some help along the way.The Beautiful Spring Flowers Game is attractive andwillchallenge your memory. Have Fun!!!Don't wait for the spring flowers to bloom before you placethemin adorable planter boxes. You can already choose from thewideselection of modern planters before planting so that you don'thaveto transfer them later on. Here are some of the planter boxesthatyou can use to bring out the charm of your spring flowers:In addition, spring flowers are also the favored blossoms whenitcomes to wedding decorations for both in the church and inthewedding party location. For those who are fascinated andstudyingabout the various kinds of flowers, nothing can be moreperfectthan during spring season.The various names of spring flowers are as interesting astheunique distinction of their beauties as well as the fragranceofsome of them. Seeing them in different colors, sizes, and shapesisenough to intoxicate you with admiration. Have you seendifferentkinds of spring flowers bunched all together?To name a few popular spring flowers, daffodils,daisies,dianthuses, thymes, tulips, lilacs, thymes and cherryblossoms arethe ones you should not miss enjoy watching. Theseflowers areabundant during spring time, so make the most of thetime as theirprices may be much lower compared to other seasons ofthe year.Other famous names of spring flowers that you may not haveseenyet, but heard about are iris, shamrocks, hyacinth,azaleas,snowflakes, cornflowers, and violets. Also, OxeyeDaisies,Leucanhemum, and Daylilies, Hemerocallis, are droughtresistant,dependable, and natural beauties that bloom in spring.Knowing thedifferent names of spring flowers help you decide whatflowerarrangement or combination to choose from when you decidedecoratesome of the flowers.One of the first signs of spring flowers can be noticed bysmallgreen shoots protruding from the ground in late winter. Evenwhenthere may still be snow on the ground, early spring flowershave aninternal calendar that provides an alarm clock for theflowers.There is a wide variety of spring flowers that are plantedasbulbs in the fall. Most people think of tulips and daffodils,butthere are so many other flowers to choose from as well.Searchonline bulb companies or their catalogs to get a feel for thetypeof flowers you want. Then you will be prepared before you buy,nomatter if you choose to purchase at a brick and mortar storeorthrough the mail.With its delicate blooms and young buds, spring flowers ofEasterbring forth feelings of warmth, radiance and a generalfeeling ofcheer. These are the perfect representation of fertilityandabundance. The art of Easter flower decorations start withchoosingthe right flowers to fill your space with. Choose only thefinestblooms with the most aromatic scents to invigorate yourspirit andliven up any room.Finally, no discussion of Spring flowers would becompletewithout mentioning Spring bouquets.  The most popularflowervarieties this year include tulips, lilies, daffodils,gerberdaisies and roses.  These varieties in any arrangementareguaranteed to brighten any kitchen, den or sunroom.The Beautiful Spring Flowers Game is attractive and willchallengeyour memory. Have Fun!!!
Apple Dish Game 1.0
Douglas Richburg
The Apple Dish Memory Game is a scorekeptmatching game, featuring various apple dishes of the world.Thisgame is free and challenges the memory. Score is kept allowingyouto try and do better each time.Another thrilling feature to the Apple Dish Memory Gamethatmakes it even more awesome then just a matching game - youmustfind the icons that match in some way! When you make a linkedmatchthe apple dish game for kids & adults will show the link.Youalso get some help along the way.The Apple Dish Memory Game is tasty and will challengeyourmemory. Have Fun!!!An apple pie is a fruit pie (or tart) in which theprincipalfilling ingredient is apple. It is sometimes served withwhippedcream or ice cream on top, or alongside cheddar cheese. Thepastryis generally used top and bottom, making it a double crustpie.Who knew that something as easily available as applesaucecouldprove to be so popular when it comes to baking cakes?Unsweetenedapplesauce easily replaces oil or butter in the recipeeither inparts or completely. In order to get the best results youneed toswap this in an equal quantity. For example, if somethingcalls forbutter addition of two cups replace it with 2 cupsapplesauceinstead. This can be just 1/4 cup of your requiredquantity orcomplete replacement as per your desire. Is there anybenefit ofthis ingredient besides the obvious one? Applesauce lendsmoistureand density to the preparation. So you should considerthese factoras well when making the replacement.Apple pie can be served hot or cold. You can keep itrefrigeratedfor days and it will still be fine. Apple pies arebest served withice cream so get your favorite ice cream too!Apple butter is a highly concentrated form of apple sauceproducedby long, slow cooking of apples with cider or water to apointwhere the sugar in the apples caramelizes, turning the applebuttera deep brown. The concentration of sugar gives apple butter amuchlonger shelf life as a preserve than apple sauce.In Europe, apple butter is commonly used in theNetherlands(known as appelstroop (apple syrup)) and in Germany(known asApfelkraut (apple kraut)) and frequently eaten on breadwith (orwithout) thinly sliced cheese and with Sauerbraten. Asweeterversion, made using pears, as well as apples, is morepopular inBelgium, where it is known as sirop de Liège. Other thanin Beneluxand the Rhineland, apple syrup is a minority taste inWesternEurope (in Germany, outside of the Rhineland, it isgenerally soldin health food shops), and a similar food is producedinfrancophone Switzerland, where it is known as vin cuit.Another comment: (American) apple fritters are aregionaldelicacy, being very uncommon or next to nonexistent, forexample,in most parts of the South whereas, for example, theyareubiquitous in Michigan, Wisconsin, and (naturally) manyapplegrowing regions.In the United States, fritters are small cakes made withaprimary ingredient that is mixed with an egg and milk batterandeither pan fried or deep fried; wheat flour, cornmeal, or a mixofthe two may be used to bind the batter. "Corn fritters" areoftenmade with whole canned corn and are generally deep fried."Applefritters" are well known, although the American apple fritterisunlike the British one. Clam cakes and crab cakes are varietiesoffritter. Another regional favourite is the "zucchinifritter".e,the upper crust of which may be a circular shaped crustor a pastrylattice woven of strips; exceptions are deep dish applepie with atop crust only, and open face Tarte Tatin.Apple Pie is often served in the style of "a la Mode"(toppedwith ice cream). Alternatively, a piece of cheese (such as asharpcheddar) is occasionally placed on top of or alongside a sliceofthe finished pie.The Apple Dish Memory Game is tasty and will challengeyourmemory. Have Fun!!!
Cooking Equipment Game 1.0
Douglas Richburg
The Cooking Equipment Game is a scorekeptmatching game, featuring various items found in the kitchen.Thisgame is free and challenges the memory. Score is kept allowingyouto try and do better each time.Another thrilling feature to the Cooking Equipment Gamethatmakes it even more awesome then just a matching game - youmustfind the icons that match in some way! When you make a linkedmatchthe steam train game for kids & adults will show the link.Youalso get some help along the way.The Cooking Equipment Game is addictive and will challengeyourmemory. Have Fun!!!Cooking has long been known to tie groups of people in concert.Thiscan incorporate enhanced family interaction and superioracademicperformance. There are even superior benefits for thosefamiliesthat also include the kids in the grounding and cooking ofthefamily food. Cuisine is the best doings to support bondsbetweenthose who need to converse effectively in the workingatmosphere.There are now devoted culinary schools available thatrecommendshort cooking classes and workshops tothose interested in a team building activity that really doesmakesa variation.Cooking is something many people are passionate about. Withthenumber of people traveling around the world and the manytelevisionprograms and cooking competitions conducted, people arenow beingexposed to different cuisines and cooking techniques. Afew yearsago certain ingredients were available only in the placeswhere itwas used as a part of their regular diet, but now it ispossible tobuy ingredients for a Japanese dish in far away Indiatoo. Cookwaretoo differs according to the techniques used. Forsauteing food useless oil, quick cooking technique the saute pansare necessary.These pans have a wide base to make sure that theheat is spreadout. Cutlery too is different for different foods,like steakknives for steak, chopsticks for noodles etc.Cooking is fun. But unfortunately, not everybody thinks so.Thereare perpetual toast burners, cake burners, or worse, handburnersamong us who are famous for their misadventures in thekitchen. Ifyou are one of them and want to (finally) learn a fewthings aboutcooking, then you are in good hands.Cooking and eating habits is something that a lot of peoplehaveresolutions about this time when the New Year is well on itsway,and who knows, may be already many of us have broken someofthem... You may think it is too early to do that, yet I am notsosure. 12 days into the New Year and I sincerely hope that whatyouare going to read will determined you to carry on reducingyourfood intake and selecting the right proportion of protein foodstocarbohydrates intake.COOKING UTENSILS of various materials differ in the caretheyrequire but have a few traits in common. Here are somesuggestionsapplicable to all.Cooking the perfect turkey can be challenging. Turkey isnatuallylow in fat, so it often dries out during cooking. Rememberthatclassic scene from National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation,whenChevy Chase attempts to carve the holiday turkey and the poorbirdhas completely dried up? Of course, this was anextremeexaggeration for comedic effect, but it’s really not alaughingmatter. Just about every cook worries about her turkeybeing dryand tasteless. Hopefully, these Turkey cooking tipswill help you serve the perfect turkey to your guestsatThanksgiving dinner.Cooking can mean many things to different people. For some,cookingis a science, with the kitchen acting as a lab for differenttastyexperiments. Some think of cooking as a stress reliever, usingtimein the kitchen as a way to relax. Others think of cookingasdifficult, finding it hard to even boil water. However you thinkofcooking, the tips in this article should help you be the bestcookpossible.The Cooking Equipment Game is addictive and will challengeyourmemory. Have Fun!!!
Dating Gift Idea Game 1.0
Douglas Richburg
The Dating Gift Idea Game is a timed,scorekept matching game, featuring gift ideas for first and laterdownthe road dates. This Dating Memory Game is free and challengesthememory. Score is kept allowing you to try and do better eachtime.Another thrilling feature to the dating memory game that makesiteven more awesome then just a matching game - you must findtheicons that link together in some way! When you make a linkedmatchthe Dating Gift Idea Game it will show the link. You also getsomehelp along the way. You can use the REFRESH button 3 times,thismixes up the game cards so it is easier to find linkingmatches.You can also use the FIND button 3 times, and this willfind thematching links for you.Dating Gift Idea Game is an addictive race to find thematchinglinks that will challenge your memory. Have Fun!!!
American Football Memory Game 1.0
Douglas Richburg
The American Football Memory Game is ascorekept matching game, featuring various football itemsandprocedures. This game is free and challenges the memory. Scoreiskept allowing you to try and do better each time.Another thrilling feature to the American Football MemoryGamethat makes it even more awesome then just a matching game -youmust find the icons that match in some way! When you make alinkedmatch the football game for kids & adults will show thelink.You also get some help along the way.The American Football Memory Game is addictive and willchallengeyour memory. Have Fun!!!
Greek Mythology Characters 1.0
Douglas Richburg
The Greek Mythology Characters Game is ascorekept matching game, featuring characters found in Greekmythology.This game is free and challenges the memory. Score iskept allowingyou to try and do better each time.Another thrilling feature to the Greek Mythology CharactersGamethat makes it even more awesome then just a matching game -youmust find the icons that match in some way! When you make alinkedmatch the game will show the link. You also get some helpalong theway.The Greek Mythology Characters Game is addictive andwillchallenge your memory. Have Fun!!!Greek mythology is the body of myths and teachings that belongtothe ancient Greeks, concerning their gods and heroes, the natureofthe world, and the origins and significance of their own cultandritual practices. It was a part of the religion in ancientGreece.Modern scholars refer to and study the myths in an attemptto throwlight on the religious and political institutions ofAncient Greeceand its civilization, and to gain understanding ofthe nature ofmyth making itself.In Greek mythology, the Sirens (Greek singular: Σειρήν Seirēn;Greekplural: Σειρῆνες Seirēnes) were dangerous yet beautifulcreatures,portrayed as femmes fatales who lured nearby sailorswith theirenchanting music and voices to shipwreck on the rockycoast of theirisland. Roman poets placed them on some smallislands called Sirenumscopuli. In some later, rationalisedtraditions, the literalgeography of the "flowery" island ofAnthemoessa, or Anthemusa, isfixed: sometimes on Cape Pelorum andat others in the islands knownas the Sirenuse, near Paestum, or inCapreae. All such locationswere surrounded by cliffs androcks.In Greek mythology Python was the earth dragon of Delphi,alwaysrepresented in the vase paintings and by sculptors as aserpent.Various myths represented Python as being either male orfemale (adrakaina). Python was the chthonic enemy of Apollo, whoslew it andremade its former home his own oracle, the most famousinGreece.In Greek mythology, Pasiphaë (/pəˈsɪfɨ.iː/; Greek:ΠασιφάηPasipháē, "wide shining") was the daughter of Helios, theSun, bythe eldest of the Oceanids, Perse.Dating back to Greek Mythology, it is rumored that the firstwineglass was molded from the breast of Helen of Troy. BecausetheGreeks believed that there was something very sensual intheessence of wine, they wanted the glass that held it molded fromthebreast of their culture's most beautiful woman.The dragons of Greek mythology were serpentine monsters.Theyinclude the serpent like Drakons, the marine dwelling Cetea andtheshe monster Dracaenae. Homer describes the dragons with wingsandlegs.However, it is believed in Greek Mythology that wine wasinventedby Dionysus, appropriately named the God of Wine,Intoxication, andFertility (the coupling of Intoxication andFertility can probablyexplain the Greek's booming population). Aswas commonly accepted,he invented wine on Mount Nyssa and soonbegan to cultivate grapesaround the world.The genesis of modern understanding of Greek mythologyisregarded by some scholars as a double reaction at the end oftheeighteenth century against "the traditional attitude ofChristiananimosity", in which the Christian reinterpretation ofmyth as a"lie" or fable had been retained. In Germany, by about1795, therewas a growing interest in Homer and Greek mythology. InGöttingen,Johann Matthias Gesner began to revive Greek studies,while hissuccessor, Christian Gottlob Heyne, worked with JohannJoachimWinckelmann, and laid the foundations for mythologicalresearchboth in Germany and elsewhere.The Greek Mythology Characters Game is will challengeyourmemory.
Earth Solar System 1.0
Douglas Richburg
The Earth Solar System Game is a scorekeptmatching game, featuring various objects of Earth's solarsystem.This game is free and challenges the memory. Score is keptallowingyou to try and do better each time.Another thrilling feature to the Earth Solar System Gamethatmakes it even more awesome then just a matching game - youmustfind the icons that match in some way! When you make a linkedmatchthe solar system game for kids & adults will show thelink. Youalso get some help along the way.The Earth Solar System Game is addictive and will challengeyourmemory. Have Fun!!!Solar System: Planets (Definition ˑ Planetary habitabilityˑTerrestrial planets ˑ Gas giants ˑ Rings) ˑ Dwarf planets(Plutoid)ˑ Moons ˑ Exploration ˑ Colonization ˑ Discovery timelineSolarSystem objects more massive than 1021 kilograms (one yottagram)are known or expected to be approximately spherical.Astronomicalbodies relax into rounded shapes (ellipsoids),achievinghydrostatic equilibrium, when the gravity of their massissufficient to overcome the structural strength of theirmaterial.Objects made of ice become round more easily than thosemade ofrock, and many icy objects are spheroidal at far lowersizes. Thecutoff boundary for roundness is somewhere between10060;km and20060;km in radius.Solar System models, especially mechanical models, calledorreries,that illustrate the relative positions and motions of theplanetsand moons in the Solar System have been built for centuries.Whilethey often showed relative sizes, these models were usuallynotbuilt to scale. The enormous ratio of interplanetary distancestoplanetary diameters makes constructing a scale model of theSolarSystem a challenging task. As one example of the difficulty,thedistance between the Earth and the Sun is almost 12,000 timesthediameter of the Earth.The Solar System planets consists of celestial objectsformedfrom the collapse of a giant molecular cloud approximately6billion years ago. The four smaller inner planets Mercury,Venus,Earth and Mars, also called the terrestrial planets areprimarilycomposed of rock and metal. The four outer planetsJupiter, Saturn,Uranus and Neptune, also called the gas planets arecomposedlargely of hydrogen and helium and are far more massivethan theterrestrials.The Solar System is also home to two main belts of smallbodies.The asteroid belt, which lies between Mars and Jupiter, issimilarto the terrestrial planets as it is composed mainly of rockandmetal. The Kuiper belt, which lies beyond Neptune's orbit,iscomposed mostly of ices such as water, ammonia and methane.Withinthese belts, five objects Ceres, Pluto, Haumea, Makemake andErisare large enough to be termed dwarf planets. The hypotheticalOortcloud, which acts as the source for long period comets, mayalsoexist at a distance roughly a thousand times beyondtheseregions.The solar system comprises two distinct solar regions:Mercury,Venus, Earth, and Mars form part of the inner solar system,whileJupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune form part of the outersolarsystem. the planets in the inner solar system, also known astherocky planets are thought to have been condense fromheavierelements and are composed principally of rock and metal,while theouter planets, two of which are known as the gas giants(Jupiterand Saturn) are composed of hydrogen and helium; theoutermostplanets (Uranus and Neptune) are made of ice water,methane, andammonia. therefore, they are referred as the icegiants.The Earth Solar System Game is addictive and will challengeyourmemory. Have Fun!!!
Volcanos Of The World Game 1.0
Douglas Richburg
The Volcanos Of The World Memory Game isascore kept matching game, featuring various volcanos of theworld.This game is free and challenges the memory. Score is keptallowingyou to try and do better each time.Another thrilling feature to the Volcanos Of The WorldMemoryGame that makes it even more awesome then just a matchinggame -you must find the icons that match in some way! When you makealinked match the volcano game for kids & adults will showthelink. You also get some help along the way.The Volcanos Of The World Memory Game is addictive andwillchallenge your memory. Have Fun!!!Volcanoes, like their close cousins earthquakes, areresponsiblefor both massive destruction as well as for the creationof many ofthe beautiful landscapes on our earth. The Earth as weknow ittoday was created eons ago. The job, however, is not done asnaturecontinues to tear down and rebuild the contour of the landmuch aswe humans continually demolish old and useless structures inorderto make way for new ones. Without the upheavals causedbyvolcanoes, earthquakes and other shifts and movements intheEarth's crust, our planet would be nothing more than asmoothspherical ball completely covered in water and orbitingtheSun.Volcano eruptions are becoming increasingly rare. That'sbecausevery few active volcanoes still exist. In fact, according totheGlobal Volcanism Program, only 50 to 70 volcanoes eruptworldwideevery year. That means being able to witness an activevolcanoespecially one that frequently erupts can be a once in alifetimeexperience. For those lucky enough to visit the Big IslandofHawaii, you may become one of the privileged few who get toviewthis amazing site.A volcano is a fissure in the earth's top layer which allowsthehot magma from the bowels of the earth to break through tothesurface. The etymology of the word is drawn from the nameofVulcan, the roman god of fire.A volcano is typically formed through the movement oftectonicplates on earth. As these plates move towards or away fromeachother, they cause weak spots for the earth's hot mantle toseepthrough. The molten hot mantle in fact, also melts down thehardrock on one or more tectonic plates. As the pressure of thismantlereaches its peak, it gets released through any nearbyopening.A volcano experiment is great for teaching science in theprimaryclassroom and can be pulled off using most science kitsit's a greatintroduction to science for kids of any age. Anothergreat aid inteaching science in the primary classroom is a basicchemistry set.Now, these chemistry sets should only be used by theteacher todemonstrate in a classroom and never touched by childrenunder theage labeled on the box. These sets are created for themoreinquisitive child's mind and will therefore not work oneverychild.Hekla volcano is located in South Iceland and is one ofIceland'smost active volcanoes. Hekla volcano, sometimes called€The Gatewayto Hell€ is a stratovolcano and has the height of 1,491metres(4,892 ft). Hekla last erupted on February 28, 200 We'llbeupdating this site with a daily reports on therestlessvolcano.The Mayon Volcano is an active stratovolcano in thePhilippineson the island of Luzon, in the province of Albay in theBicolRegion. The near perfectly cone shaped volcano is situated15kilometres northwest of Legazpi City. Mayon Volcano is one ofthecandidates of the New 7 Wonders of Nature.Most of the volcanoes are typically thought of as eruptingfromactive volcanic mountains. An interesting fact is that theymayalso be released through any opening on the surface or throughasub oceanic fissure. The amount of ash and other materialreleasedthrough the fissure would depend on the inherent pressurebuilt upby the magma before it gets released.The Volcanos Of The World Memory Game is addictive andwillchallenge your memory. Have Fun!!!
Cool Arabian Horse Game 1.0
Douglas Richburg
The Arabian Horse Memory Game is a scorekeptmatching game, featuring various arabian horses of the world.Thisgame is free and challenges the memory. Score is kept allowingyouto try and do better each time.Another thrilling feature to the Arabian Horse Memory Gamethatmakes it even more awesome then just a matching game - youmustfind the icons that match in some way! When you make a linkedmatchthe arabian horse game for kids & adults will show thelink.You also get some help along the way.The Arabian Horse Memory Game is addictive and willchallengeyour memory. Have Fun!!!Arabian horses were so relied upon and revered by the Bedouinthatfirm rules were established regarding the breeding of thehorse.And even today they continue to be the only true purebredhorse.But the reverence of these horses can most significantly betracedto the prophet Mohammed whose followers used the horses astheyrode from village to village in seventh century AD spreadingtheword of Allah.Arabian horses are the topic of many myths and legends.Oneorigin story tells how Muhammad chose his foundation mares byatest of their courage and loyalty. While there are severalvariantson the tale, a common version states that after a longjourneythrough the desert, Muhammad turned his herd of horses loosetorace to an oasis for a desperately needed drink of water.Beforethe herd reached the water, Muhammad called for the horsestoreturn to him. Only five mares responded. Because theyfaithfullyreturned to their master, though desperate with thirst,these maresbecame his favorites and were called Al Khamsa, meaning,the five.These mares became the legendary founders of the five"strains" ofthe Arabian horse. Although the Al Khamsa are generallyconsideredfictional horses of legend, some breeders today claim themodernBedouin Arabian actually descended from these mares.Arabian horses also spread to the rest of the world viatheOttoman Empire, which rose in 129 Though it never fullydominatedthe heart of the Arabian Peninsula, this Turkish empireobtainedmany Arabian horses through trade, diplomacy and war. TheOttomansencouraged formation of private stud farms in order toensure asupply of cavalry horses, and Ottoman nobles, such asMuhammad Aliof Egypt also collected pure, desert bred Arabianhorses.Arabian horses were introduced to Australia in the earliestdaysof European Settlement. Early imports included bothpurebredArabians and light Spanish "jennets" from Andalusia, manyArabiansalso came from India. Based on records describing stallions"ofArabic and Persian blood", the first Arabian horses wereprobablyimported to Australia in several groups between 1788 and180 About1803, a merchant named Robert Campbell imported a bayArabianstallion, Hector, from India; Hector was said to have beenowned byArthur Wellesley, who later became known as the Duke ofWellington.In 1804 two additional Arabians, also from India,arrived inTasmania one of whom, White William, sired the firstpurebredArabian foal born in Australia, a stallion namedDerwent.The Bedouins soon gained a reputation for breeding some ofthemost beautiful horses ever seen. Many people would tradehorseswith them, and they would get together and share the lineagesofthe horses which were traded. There are a number ofdifferentvariations of Arabian horses, which are known as strains.Thesehorses have a common ancestor and look. Some of these areHadban,Kuhaylan, and Dahman.The Arabian Horse Memory Game will challenge your memoryforhours on end.
Crazy Monkey Game 1.0
Douglas Richburg
The Crazy Monkey Game is a score keptmatchinggame, featuring various monkeys of the world. This game isfree andchallenges the memory. Score is kept allowing you to tryand dobetter each time.Another thrilling feature to the Crazy Monkey Game that makesiteven more awesome then just a matching game - you must findtheicons that match in some way! When you make a linked matchthecrazy monkey game for kids & adults will show the link.Youalso get some help along the way.The Crazy Monkey Game is addictive and will challengeyourmemory. Have Fun!!!Monkeys are very good problem solvers and will go all the waytohelp someone with their homework. They are strong mindedthinkersand analyze a problem in half the time and would chargedouble thecost. Because they are very intelligent they can adapt toanycareer.Gibbons are sometimes called "lesser apes." While theirskullsand teeth resemble those of the great apes and they lacktails,gibbons are smaller, are pair bonded, and do not make nests.Inthese ways they are more like monkeys. Gibbons dwell in treesandare known for their skill at brachiating, or swinging frombranchto branch sometimes at speeds up to 35 miles per hour. Thereareabout twelve different species of gibbons.Some of South America's most famous mammal species dwell intheforests the Puma and Jaguar. They are very elusive, so asightingof these big cats on wildlife holidays in Costa Rica is averyfortunate event. There are many other wonderful mammal speciestobe seen, however. In Corcovado National Park, in the far southofthe country, the rare Baird's Tapir is often seen in thecoastalforest alongside the more common Northern Tamandua,SquirrelMonkey, Mantled Howler Monkey and Central American SpiderMonkey.Overlooking the Arenal Volcano, nature enthusiasts can enjoythecomforts of a lodge and the sight of groups of White nosedCoatisinvestigating the grounds. Carara National Park offers thechanceto see a Southern Tamandua or White faced Capuchin in thedenseforest.All monkeys in Uganda are members of the familyCercopithecidae(Old World monkeys). They fall into five genera:Collogues (closelyrelated to the leaf eating monkeys of Asia),Cercopithecus(guenons), Papio (baboons), Erythrocebus (patas) andCerocebus(Mangabeys). Some of these monkeys are nocturnal whileothers arediurnal. Important species in Uganda include; Vervetmonkeys(Cercopithecus aethiops) De Brazza’s monkey(cercopithecusneglectus) Blue monkey (cercopithecus aethiops)I’hoesti monkey(cercopithecus I’hoesti) Red tailed monkey(cercopithecus ascinius)Red colobus (piliocolobus badius) Black andwhite colobus (colobusguereza) Patas monkey (erythrocebuspatas).Spider monkeys remained in Belize as pets and be of anyrealthreat to humans. However, as a tourist, it is best simply tonotethat both spider and howler in their natural habitat. Althoughtheyare very cute and adorable it is known that monkeys in the wildtothrow objects such as fruits, rocks, and coconut to the people.Maytouch or feed the monkeys in the wild for the harm they areknownto bite if they feel threatened. It can be dangerous monkeyslikeany other animal in the wild.Howler monkeys are the biggest of all nine species of NewWorldmonkeys. And, they have wide nostrils that open from the sideandno padding on their rumps, which sets them apart from OldWorldmonkeys. They are also blessed with a tail that can be usedforgrasping, holding and wrapping around objects. Howlers usetheirtails as an extra arm with which they can use to grasp or hangfromthe tree branches. Given Howlers rarely go to the ground,theirtail comes in quite handy. Since leaves make up the majorityoftheir diet, they prefer to remain above ground where they candineto their hearts content.The Crazy Monkey Game will provide fun for hours on end.
Train Travel Memory Game 1.0
Douglas Richburg
The Train Travel Memory Game is a timed,scorekept matching game, featuring various trains of the world.ThisTrain Game is free and challenges the memory. Score is keptalowingyou to try and do better each time.Another thrilling feature to the train travel memory gamethatmakes it even more awesome then just a matching game - youmustfind the icons that link together in some way! When you makealinked match the train game for kids & adults will showthelink. You also get some help along the way.Train Travel Memory Game is an addictive race to findthematching links that will challenge your memory. Have Fun!!!
Military Helicopters Game 1.0
Douglas Richburg
The Military Helicopters Memory Game is ascorekept matching game, featuring various military helicopters.Thisgame is free and challenges the memory. Score is kept allowingyouto try and do better each time.Another thrilling feature to the Military Helicopters MemoryGamethat makes it even more awesome then just a matching game -you mustfind the icons that match in some way! When you make alinked matchthe military helicopters game for kids & adultswill show thelink. You also get some help along the way.The Military Helicopters Memory Game is addictive andwillchallenge your memory. Have Fun!!!Most military helicopters are armored to some extent howeverallequipment is limited to the installed power and lift capabilityandthe limits installed equipment places on useful payload. Themostextensive armor is placed around the pilots, engines,transmissionand fuel tanks. Fuel lines, control cables and power tothe tailrotor may also be shrouded by Kevlar armor. The mostheavilyarmored helicopters are attack, assault and specialforceshelicopters. In transport helicopters the crew compartmentmay ormay not be fully armored, a compromise being to give thepassengersKevlar lined seats but to leave the compartment for themost partunarmoured. Survivability is enhanced by redundancy andtheplacement of components to protect each other. For exampletheBlackhawk family of helicopters uses two engines and cancontinueto fly on only one (under certain conditions), the enginesareseparated by the transmission and placed so that if attackedfromany one flank, the engine on that flank acts to protectthetransmission and the engine on the other side from damage.If you prefer military helicopters, you can get scale modelssuchas FL 282, H 25, S 55, Rotodyne, Bo 102, H 1 Huey, Sea King,Mi 2,OH 6, Filper, H 46, Chinook, AH 56, Mi 24, Mi 26, Ka 27, XV15, Bell206, Puma, XCH 62, S 67, Blackhawk, Apache, Lama, S 72,Dauphin, Mi28, Mangusta, Ka 50, Super Cobra, Tiger, NH 90, OH 1, V22, ALH, andComanche.A military helicopter is a helicopter that is eitherspecificallybuilt or converted for use by military forces. Amilitaryhelicopter's mission is a function of its design orconversion. Themost common use of military helicopters is transportof troops, buttransport helicopters can be modified or converted toperform othermissions such as combat search and rescue (CSAR),medicalevacuation (MEDEVAC), airborne command post, or even armedwithweapons for attacking ground targets. Specializedmilitaryhelicopters are intended to conduct specific missions.Examples ofspecialized military helicopters are attackhelicopters,observation helicopters and anti submarine warfarehelicopters.Aviation electronics, or avionics, such as communicationradiosand navigation aids are common on most militaryhelicopters.Specialized avionics, such as electroniccountermeasures andidentification friend or foe systems, aremilitary specific systemsthat can also be installed on militaryhelicopters. Other payloador mission systems are installed eitherpermanently or temporarily,based on specific mission requirements;optical and IR cameras forscout helicopters, dunking sonar andsearch radar for antisubmarine helicopters, extra radiotransceivers and computers forhelicopters used as airborne commandposts.Moreover, it has high survivability level with its heavilyarmoredsides. Some areas of the helicopter are also surrounded byKevlarsoft armor for extra protection. The cockpit is protected bylayersof reinforced armor and bulletproof glass. According toBoeing,each part of the Apache can resist 17 mm rounds, and vitalengineand rotor components can survive hits from 23 mm fire.The Military Helicopters Memory Game is addictive andwillchallenge your memory. Have Fun!!!
Small Dogs Memory Game 1.0
Douglas Richburg
The Small Dogs Memory Game is a scorekeptmatching game, featuring various small dog breeds of theworld.This game is free and challenges the memory. Score is keptallowingyou to try and do better each time.Another thrilling feature to the Small Dogs Memory Gamethatmakes it even more awesome then just a matching game - youmustfind the icons that match in some way! When you make a linkedmatchthe small dog game for kids & adults will show the link.Youalso get some help along the way.The Small Dogs Memory Game is addictive and will challengeyourmemory. Have Fun!!!Small dogs or lap dogs or comforters as they were oncecalledhave a very extensive history, encompassing several thousandyears.Small breeds were often kept by nobility and given aspresents toroyal figures. It was also thought that small breedswere good forones health. The Pekingees, pug and King CharlesCavalier Spanielare three examples.Many small dogs are quite trainable, though some are quickertolearn than others. An example of a small dog that is very easytotrain is the Lancashire Heeler. He is a fast learner, but heissometimes stubborn and has a mischievous streak. To train himbeconsistent, gentle, yet in control.Some small dogs shed very little. Some of the one thatshedsparingly are the Yorkshire Terrier, Miniature Schnauzer,BrusselsGriffon, and the Wire Fox Terrier. I f you prefer noshedding try ahairless dog like the American Hairless Terrier. Lowshedding canbe a priority, if you are allergic to dog dander.Most small dogs are pretty good watchdogs, one of the bestatthis is the Wire Fox Terrier. The Dachshund is anotherexcellentsmall watchdog.People get small dogs for various reasons. It could be theyenjoya small dog that is easier to handle, easier to travel with,andcheaper to feed. Many who live in cities prefer a small dogbecausethey don't have a lot of living space.Although the small dogs are mainly companionship dogs they haveinfact been used for hunting rats or mice, often in combinationwithhunting. It is believed that this was the reason they were bredinthe first place by the Greeks.We have three small dogs that live in our house. The oldest isasix year old miniature Dachshund male. His name is Coleman.Nextoldest is Chloe, a three year old female Chihuahua. Theyoungest isBella, a one year old female Yorkshire Terrier.The majority of small dogs are fine with children, when theyareraised from a puppy around kids. Any dog will eventuallydefendhimself, if he is mistreated by poking his eye, tugging hisear orotherwise being ill treated. Some small breeds areparticularlygood with children like the Toy American Eskimo,American CockerSpaniel, and the West Highland White Terrier.Maltipom These very small dogs can resemble fluffy, whitestuffedanimals. A cross between a Maltese and a Pomeranian, theycan alsobe found with other colors. These dogs are spirited andloyal,making good, small watchdogs.  The Maltipom does wellwitholder children and can get along with other pets withtraining. Theylike attention and do very well in apartments. Theyneed regulargrooming.There are several breeds of small dogs and puppies thatareregarded as good companions for children. These are dogs thatarekept not for the purpose of doing specific tasks but simply forthepleasure of their friendly company. These breeds typicallyhavecharacteristic traits of being submissive or docile, attractiveandpleasing to the eye, playful, affectionate and loyal.Many dog owners have a preference for small dogs over largerbreeds,and for many different reasons. However, by virtue oftheirdiminutive size, these dogs are much more affordable to keep,needless exercise in relation to larger breeds in general, andaresimple to transport for example.The Small Dogs Memory Game is addictive and will challengeyourmemory. Have Fun!
Magnificent Birds Of Prey 1.0
Douglas Richburg
The Magnificent Birds Of Prey Game is ascorekeeping matching game, featuring various birds of prey oftheworld. This game is free and challenges the memory. Score iskeptallowing you to try and do better each time.Another thrilling feature to the Birds Of Prey Game that makesiteven more awesome then just a matching game - you must findtheicons that match in some way! When you make a linked matchtheBirds Of Prey game for kids & adults will show the link.Youalso get some help along the way.The Birds Of Prey Memory Game is addictive and willchallengeyour memory. Have Fun!!!Birds of prey, also known as raptors, hunt and feed onotheranimals. The term "raptor" is derived from the Latinwordrapere(meaning to seize or take by force). These birds arecharacterizedby keen vision that allows them to detect prey duringflight andpowerful talons and beaks.There are big birds of prey too. The vulture, the eagle andthefalcon are such birds. They fly very high in the air yet theyhavesharp eyesight. While hunting for food they settle on a veryhighperch and with a watchful eye they look into the ground thatisbelow. {Whenever|When |Each time|At whatever time] they spotananimal or insect they fly to the ground and swift aslighteningthey catch their prey and get back to a high elevation.These birdsof prey eat only meet and they catch all types ofanimals such asrabbits, smaller birds, rats and reptiles.Predators like birds of prey, rodents, mice,rats andother,foxes, snakes and cats are the enemies of the birds and youhave tothink about buying ultra sonic devices which are harmless toyourbirds,they emit radio waves that scare off thepredators.Goodhygiene, laying traps and cleaning up spilt seed willhelp youagainst rodents and also snakes will be kept away if youplacepanels on brick work.This category is for Birds of Prey, which includes all birdtaxabelonging to the orders Strigiformes and Falconiformes, alongwiththe unrelated American families Cathartidae (extant)andTeratornithidae (extinct). The common names for various birdsofprey are based on structure, but many of the traditional namesdonot reflect the evolutionary relationships between thegroups.From a rapturous encounter with birds of prey to a behindthescenes look at Asia Pacifics only dedicated bird hospital,preschoolers to pre teens and their families can look forward toaninteresting day out with the parks feathered friends. Falconidaeisa family of diurnal birds of prey, notably the falconsandcaracaras. They differ from hawks, eagles and kites in thattheykill with their beaks instead of their talons.The family Accipitridae is a family of birds of prey,whichincludes hawks, eagles, kites, harriers and Old Worldvultures.These birds have very large powerful hooked beaks fortearing fleshfrom their prey, strong legs, powerful talons andkeeneyesight.Typical owls are small to large solitary nocturnal birds ofprey.They have large forward facing eyes and ears, a hawk likebeak and aconspicuous circle of feathers around each eye called afacialdisk.Fencing off the given chicken yard area implementing chickenwire,and make it around 4 feet tall. Make sure the fencing postsyou useare usually buried deeply; about 12 inches ought to carryout it.Don’t overlook to angle them out from the coop. Once thefencing isup, you’ll also need to cover it with some kind ofnettingmaterials. This will keep birds of prey like owls and hawksatbay.The Magnificent Birds Of Prey Game is entertaining andwillchallenge your memory. Fun for all awaits.
High Fashion Heels Game 1.0
Douglas Richburg
The High Fashion Heels Memory Game is ascorekept matching game, featuring various high heel shoes. Thisgame isfree and challenges the memory. Score is kept allowing youto tryand do better each time.Another thrilling feature to the High Fashion Heels MemoryGamethat makes it even more awesome then just a matching game -youmust find the icons that match in some way! When you make alinkedmatch the high heels game for kids & adults will show thelink.You also get some help along the way.The High Fashion Heels Memory Game is addictive andwillchallenge your memory. Have Fun!!!High heels can have different heel shapes and designs. Thereisthe cone shape which has a round heel that grows broad andthenmeets the sole. A kitten heel is when the heel is short andslimwhere the maximum height would be two inches. A prism heel isaflat three shape that looks like a triangle. A spool heel isawhere it is broad and then meets at the sole. A stiletto is atalland very skinny heel that is minimum two inches, and a wedgeheelis one that uses up all the space under the arch.High heels gained full fledged acceptance in the latter partofthe 19th century. This was replaced by the demand forcomfortableflat shoes in the earlier 20th century. In the mid 20thcentury,fashions changed, and as hemlines grew higher, the demandforstylish high heeled shoes went up. Again, in the 1930s,heelsbecame shorter in length, a trend that was soon replaced bythedemand for elegant high heels in a variety of patterns,rangingfrom glittery to colourful ones. This trend was popularizedby thenew varieties of heels sported by Hollywood celebrities. Inthe1940s, due to the Second World War, the availability ofluxuryitems went down, and heels became thick, simple andunadorned.High heels came back in fashion in the 1980s, a trendthatcontinued into the early 1990s as well. In the late 19thcentury,factories producing high heeled shoes began to open inItaly andother parts of the world. This was followed by America,whichopened its first heel factory in the year 188 Manolo Blahnik'shighheels began making a large scale appearance in thefashioncircuits, reviving the fad. With the passage of time, highheelsbegan to be considered as signs of designer and fashion wearforspecial occasions, while flat shoes became the norm forthecorporate world. Designers like Jimmy Choo and Emma Hopedesignedextra tall heels in the 1990s. Again, in the later part ofthe1990s, the fashion of the high heels started declining.High heels put the leg in a position where the calf muscleiscontracting. This is the desirable to many women because itmakesthe legs look more toned. The sustained muscle contractioncanactually lead to a shortening and stiffening of the musclesthatconnect your knee and lower leg to your ankle, calledthegastrocnemius and soleus muscles. This shortening of thesemuscleswill decrease your flexibility during running and will alsocausethem to fatigue faster. Besides shortening your calvemuscles,wearing high heels also puts more pressure on the balls ofyourfeet which puts you at higher risk of developing stressfracturesof the metatarsal bones since you are no long distributingyourweight equally over your foot.All high heels counter the natural functionality of thefoot,which can create skeletal and muscular problems if users wearthemexcessively; such shoes are a common cause of venouscomplaintssuch as pain, fatigue, and heavy feeling legs, and havebeen foundto provoke venous hypertension in the lower limbs.Despite theirimpracticality, their popularity remains undiminished— as UK shoedesigner Terry de Havilland has said, "people saythey're bad forthe feet but they're good for the mind. What's moreimportant?"The High Fashion Heels Memory Game is addictive and willchallengeyour memory. Have Fun!!!
Types Of Trees Game 1.0
Douglas Richburg
The Types Of Trees Game is a scorekeptmatching game, featuring various trees found in nature. Thisgameis free and challenges the memory. Score is kept allowing youtotry and do better each time.Another thrilling feature to the Types Of Trees Game thatmakesit even more awesome then just a matching game - you must findtheicons that match in some way! When you make a linked matchthesteam train game for kids & adults will show the link. Youalsoget some help along the way.The Types Of Trees Game is addictive and will challengeyourmemory. Have Fun!!!Trees have particular requirements when it comes to climateandsoil. Some like dry conditions while others may requiremoremoisture to thrive. Clay soil is great for some plantspecies,whereas sandy soil is best for others. If you know nothingabout pHlevels, soil types, climate, etc., then you should visit alocalplant nursery and find out what grows well in your climate.Askyour neighbors and friends who have nice trees to see what theyaregrowing. Evergreen trees behave differently from deciduoustrees,so think about what you want.Trees should be watered year around with emphasis between AprilandSeptember. Mulching around your tree will also help reducemoistureloss. It is recommended to use four inches of mulch. Youcan usewood chips, shredded bark, leaves or evergreen needles. Oneshouldavoid using stone or rock as it increases air temperaturesand canadd to the moisture loss. Place your mulch six inches fromthetrunk of the tree.Trees are planted in areas where they will best perform theirtaskof taking in carbon dioxide and giving off oxygen. Nativetreeshave the best chances of living long lives in their naturalareas.School grounds, parks and private yards may all be areaswheretrees can be planted.Trees are the best friend of an environment. But, bad growthoftrees and unwanted branches make impossible for the peopleandenvironment to survive in a bad manner. After you plant atree,nourishment of tree is very essential. It will give the plantagreat strength to grow nicely. But, maintenance of trees isalsoimportant so that your property and neighbor's property remainin agood condition.All trees require full sun; however, some species, like E.neglectaand E. crenulata, will tolerate areas with semi shade. Theyalsoadapt well to a wide range of soils, from hot, dry sitestoslightly wet as long as the area is well draining.Plant in mid to late spring or fall, depending on your locationandclimate. Be sure to water the tree both before and afterplanting.Dig the hole slightly larger than the root ball, and takecare withthe tree's roots during planting, as they do not likebeingdisturbed. There's no need to spread out the roots whileplanting,as this could damage their sensitive root system. Backfill thearea and lightly tamp the soil to remove any airpockets.The trees have an infinite number of advantages and the biggestisthat they exhale oxygen after consuming the very dangerouscarbondioxide. But their uncontrolled and overgrowth can betroublesomeasking you to call a removal of trees Sydney expert.Here are somemajor advantages of hiring removal of treesexperts.When trees are under attack or sick they try to grow newbrancheswherever they can, and since the crown is effected more bytheEmerald Ash Borer trees may start new growth at the base ofthetree and on the trunk. This is often just below where thelarvaeare feeding and you will see small branches growing on thetrunkaround 6 feet off the ground. This reaction to stress andattack bytrees is known as Epicormic Sprouting.The Types Of Trees Game is addictive and will challenge yourmemory.Enjoy!!!
Big Dogs Memory Game 1.0
Douglas Richburg
The Big Dogs Memory Game is a scorekeptmatching game, featuring various big dogs of the world. Thisgameis free and challenges the memory. Score is kept allowing youtotry and do better each time.Another thrilling feature to the Big Dogs Memory Game thatmakesit even more awesome then just a matching game - you must findtheicons that match in some way! When you make a linked match thebigdog game for kids & adults will show the link. You alsogetsome help along the way.The Big Dogs Memory Game is addictive and will challengeyourmemory. Have Fun!!!Big dogs require more consideration what dog bed to purchase.Ofcourse everybody understands the bigger the dog is the largerbedhe needs. But it is not very clear exactly how big.Big dogs like Great Danes limit the available spaces to themforsleeping. They will not feel comfortably into a small bathroom.Andof course it is no matter of fact that not many people wanttoshare a bed with them.The Secrets of the Big Dogs is strategically designed to beastep by step course in internet marketing. It is controversialinthat it shares with all of us those strategies that someinternetmarketers would prefer we not know.The Secrets of the Big Dogs suggests that in order tomarketsuccessfully on the internet, you must be able to separatetheincredible amount of Internet HYPE from the Internet TRUTH. Itgoeson to spell out in no uncertain terms what the TRUTH is andwhat isthe HYPE. It points out the one key ingredient tointernetmarketing success and that one key ingredient lies inadvertising.Getting traffic to your website. Getting your potentialclientsDIRECTED by the most cost effective means to YOURwebsite.Because of their protective instinct, big dogs prefer to sleepnearthe doors. If the living room is near those doors, then largedogbeds which are like real furniture are appropriate and yourdogwill be far from the real furniture and won’t be deprived.Thesetypes of bed are more comfortable than the round ones. Theyarealso treated against fleas and have comfortable pillows foryourdog’s head and paws. Some are even filled with memory gel andfoamand your dog will feel its musculature very comfortably.First, let’s not get the wrong idea. All big dogs arenotnecessarily a problem. Some do bring with them by natureissues,some breed related, but most result from not being cratetrained asa puppy and no obedience training. Big dogs are morelikely toescape. Big Dogs are more likely to chew up whatever theychoosesimply due to the size of their mouths and strength of theirjaws.Some big dogs are more aggressive. This isn’t to say thatsmalldogs aren’t aggressive. You will agree that an aggressive bigdogcan create more of a problem than an aggressive small dog.Large animals are a good source of names for big dogs. Bearand Moose are big hairy mammals, and so are good namesfor a hairydog.  Mammoths were huge furry elephant likeanimals millionsof years ago, and so also good names for a bighairy dog. Dino, which is sort for dinosaur, fits any bigdog. From cryptozoology are the names Sasquatch and Monster,withSasquatch being another good choice for a furry dog.Large animals are a good source of names for big dogs. BearandMoose are big hairy mammals, and so are good names for a hairydog.Mammoths were huge furry elephant like animals millions ofyearsago, and so also good names for a big hairy dog. Dino, whichissort for dinosaur, fits any big dog. From cryptozoology arethenames Sasquatch and Monster, with Sasquatch being anothergoodchoice for a furry dog.Large animals are a good source of names for big dogs. BearandMoose are big hairy mammals, and so are good names for ahairydog.The Big Dogs Memory Game is addictive and will challengeyourmemory.
Creepy Bugs Memory Game 1.0
Douglas Richburg
The Creepy Bugs Memory Game is a scorekeptmatching game, featuring various bugs. This game is freeandchallenges the memory. Score is kept allowing you to try anddobetter each time.Another thrilling feature to the Creepy Bugs Memory Gamethatmakes it even more awesome then just a matching game - youmustfind the icons that match in some way! When you make a linkedmatchthe creepy bugs game for kids & adults will show the link.Youalso get some help along the way.The Creepy Bugs Memory Game is addictive and will challengeyourmemory. Have Fun!!!Bugs are serious problem for home owners. No one enjoys thesightof inspects on the carpet or the feeling that they might hidetheresomewhere. On top of that, some of the pests can easily ruinyourrug, if you don't take any serious action. An average personwillhave a hard time recognizing most of the insects, however,here inthis article I am going to help you identify the mostnotoriouscarpet pests and take the necessary precautions.Bed bugs also known as CImicidae and insects which oftencomeunder the category of parasites. The most common bed bugthat\'spresent in NYC and adjoining locations is Cimex Lectularious(allthe pests falling under the following category feed on theblood ofwarm blooded animals)Bed bugs are developing resistance to many pesticideswhichinclude DDT and organophosphates; some of the bed bugpopulationhas developed a level of resistance to pyrethroidinsecticides. Achallenging task has born due to resistance .Bedbugs happen to be one of the best travelers in the planetnotto mention also tend to be readily transported via baggagesplitsas well as crevices makin …Ladybugs, spiders, crickets, roaches, box elder bugs,millipedes,and many more insects begin their search in the fallfor a warmplace to make their home. Before you are overrun withthese tinylittle creatures, you might want to try somepreventiontechniques.Bed bugs can be extremely hard to get rid of. Removing bedbugsshould be left to the professionals. In Guelph, Ontario and forbedbug... (Bio)Bed bugs, bed bugs, or bedbugs are parasitic insects ofthecimicid family that feed exclusively on blood. Cimexlectularius,the common bed bug, is the best known, as it prefers tofeed onhuman blood. Other Cimex species specialize in otheranimals, e.g.,bat bugs, such as Cimex pipistrelli (Europe), Cimexpilosellus(western US), and Cimex adjunctus (entire easternUS).Bed bugs have been known as human parasites for thousandsofyears. At a point in the early 1940s, they were mostlyeradicatedin the developed world, but have increased in prevalencesince1995, likely due to pesticide resistance. Because infestationofhuman habitats has been on the increase, bed bug bites andrelatedconditions have been on the rise as well.Bed bugs are elusive and usually nocturnal (peak activityusuallyoccurs between 10:0060;p.m. 6:0060;a.m.), which can maketheirdetection difficult. They often lodge in dark crevices, andthetiny adhesive eggs can be nestled by the hundreds in fabricseams.Aside from bite symptoms, signs include fecal spots (smalldarksand like droppings that occur in patches around andespeciallybeneath nests), blood smears on sheets (re wetted fecalspots smearlike fresh blood), and the presence of their emptymoultedexoskeletons.In order to understand how to get rid of stink bugs itisimportant to understand their life cycle. The most common stinkbugis the brown bug which is also the most dangerous to plant lifeandmeasure about fifteen millimeters in length. This particularinsecthas a shield like shape and has two antennae encircled bybothlight and dark rings.The Creepy Bugs Memory Game is addictive and will challengeyourmemory. Have Fun!!!
Monster Tractor Trailers 1.0
Douglas Richburg
The Monster Tractor Trailer Game is ascorekept matching game, featuring huge tractor trailers. This gameisfree and challenges your memory. Score is kept allowing you totryand do better each time.Another thrilling feature to the Monster Tractor TrailerGamethat makes it even more awesome then just a matching game -youmust find the icons that match in some way! When you make alinkedmatch the tractor trailer for kids & adults will show thelink.You also get some help along the way.These trucks are huge and fun to watch while exercisingyourbrain.Because tractor trailers are so much larger than othervehicles,their involvement in accidents are more likely to causepersonalinjury and death than other types of vehicles. For thisreason,drivers must undergo specialized truck driver training topreventaccidents from occurring and threatening the lives andsafety ofthose in surrounding vehicles. The question of truckaccidentliability often hinges on whether the driver was adheringto thattraining or not, and if so whether the accident was causedby amalfunction.With so many tractor trailers on the road at any given time,thechances of one of these monsters causing an accident arehigherthan many would think. Needless to say, tractor traileraccidentsdo occur, and when they do, the aftermath can bedevastating formany. Although it may be the case that the tractortrailer was notat fault for causing the accident, in a number ofcases, evidencedoes point to negligence on either the part of thedriver of thetractor trailer or the tractor trailer company asbeing the reasonfor the accident; however, if negligence issuspected as being thereason for the accident and the subsequentsuffering, oftentimesthe employer of the tractor trailer driverwill do everythingpossible to minimize the compensation paid to thevictims of thecrash and/or their families. Without a doubt, ifnegligence on thepart of a tractor trailer driver or his or heremployer is to blamefor the immense suffering caused, then the mostappropriatecompensation needs to be paid to the victims, but ifthis is tooccur, the help of a tractor trailer accident attorneywill benecessary.Are you a person that owns a tractor trailer or are involvedheavilyin trucking? Any time you are going to be trucking on aconsistentbasis, you are going to need to have tractor trailerinsurance tokeep you safe out on the road. There are a ton ofdifferent reasonsto get your semi truck insured including:accident damages,liability costs, and the potential risk of stolengoods from out ofyour truck. It is mandatory that you haveinsurance coverage for anytype of business related vehicle if youare a trucker. Do not makethe mistake of avoiding coverage andpaying for the consequences. Domost people have coverage for theirsemi tractor trailers? Yes, mostcompanies make sure that they havea commercial vehicle insurancepolicy.Monster sized tractor trailers are huge and fun to watchwhileexercising your brain.
Buses Of The World Game 1.0
Douglas Richburg
The Buses Of The World Game is a scorekeptmatching game, featuring various buses of the world. This gameisfree and challenges the memory. Score is kept allowing you totryand do better each time.Another thrilling feature to the Buses Of The World Gamethatmakes it even more awesome then just a matching game - youmustfind the icons that match in some way! When you make a linkedmatchthe steam train game for kids & adults will show the link.Youalso get some help along the way.The Buses Of The World Game is addictive and will challengeyourmemory. Have Fun!!!Buses are sometimes marketed to customers in Canada differentlyincomparison to the United States. In one example, the Blue BirdAllAmerican is rebadged as the Blue Bird TX3 in Canada (andotherexport markets). Additionally, of the three regionallyfocusedbrands sold by Collins Industries, only Corbeil is sold inCanada,due to its previous manufacturing base in Quebec.Buses are also used for prom parties or bachelor parties. Promlimoservices in Toronto is really famous among teenagers. Thestudentwaits and plan for the entire of prom nights and said to bereallyabout the particular night. They hire a limo party bus andcantravel to the party venues. When all the friends aretravelingtogether then it makes their journey in the limo busmoreenjoyable. Before hiring the limo bus you should keep somepointsin mind like prices, check the condition of the bus from theinsideand check whether all features and facilities of the givenbus areworking properly.Buses were initially configured with an engine in the front andanentrance at the rear. With the transition to one manoperation,many manufacturers moved to mid or rear engined designs,with asingle door at the front, or multiple doors. The move to thelowfloor design has all but eliminated the mid engineddesign,although some coaches still have mid mounted engines. Frontenginedbuses still persist for niche markets such as Americanschoolbuses, some minibuses, and buses in less developed countries,whichmay be derived from truck chassis, rather than purpose builtbusdesigns. Most buses have two axles, articulated buseshavethree.Buses and coaches are also a common component of the widerpackageholiday industry, providing private airport transfers (inadditionto general airport buses) and organised tours and day tripsforholidaymakers on the package.The buses to be found in countries around the world oftenreflectthe quality of the local road network, with high floorresilienttruck based designs prevalent in several less developedcountrieswhere buses are subject to tough operating conditions.Populationdensity also has a major impact, where denseurbanisation such as inJapan and the far east has led to theadoption of high capacity longmulti axle buses, often doubledeckers, while South America andChina are implementing largenumbers of articulated buses for busrapid transit schemes.Transit buses can be single decker, double decker, rigidorarticulated. Selection of type has traditionally been made onaregional as well as operational basis; however, with the adventofglobal manufacturing, all of these types can be seen in thesamelocation or country. Depending on local policies, transitbuseswill also usually have two, three or (for articulated) fourdoorsto facilitate rapid boarding and alighting.School buses in North America are distinguished from other bustypesby design characteristics mandated by federal and stateregulations.Federal safety standards in the United States andCanada requireschool buses to be painted school bus yellow and tobe equipped withspecific warning and safety devices.The Buses Of The World Game is fun and will challengeyourmemory.
Tasty Barbecue Game 1.0
Douglas Richburg
The Tasty Barbecue Memory Game is a scorekeptmatching game, featuring tasty barbecue This game is freeandchallenges the memory. Score is kept allowing you to try anddobetter each time.Another thrilling feature to the Tasty Barbecue Memory Gamethatmakes it even more awesome then just a matching game - youmustfind the icons that match in some way! When you make a linkedmatchthe barbecue game for kids & adults will show the link.Youalso get some help along the way.The Tasty Barbecue Memory Game is mouth watering andwillchallenge your memory.Barbecue is another example of an almost perfect food. It'ssupertasty, extra filling, and most people enjoy it. But guesswhat? Itmay very well be the messiest food out there. Even on thebestoccasion, you cannot walk away from eating barbecue withoutwearingsome barbecue. While this may be cute for a 5th date, it'snot socute for a first.Barbecue (also barbeque, BBQ and barby/barbies) is acookingmethod and apparatus. While there is a vast degree ofvariation andoverlap in terminology and method surrounding thisform of cooking,the generally accepted difference between barbecueand grilling isin the cooking time and type of heat used: grillingis generallydone "hot and fast" over direct heat from low smokefuels (with theflame contacting the meat itself), while barbecuingis usually done"low and slow" over indirect heat from high smokefuels (with theflame not contacting the meat directly).Barbecues are a great way to enjoy some summer food withyourfriends without having to be stuck in the kitchen missing outonall of the fun.Barbecue gas grills are cooking kitchen appliances thatpermitculinary chefs to organize and cook a wide range of beef andfreshvegetables at different grilling and cooking temperatureranges.Barbecue grills are available in a wide range of stylesalong withadded highlights to match every single cook. No matterwhetheryou're cooking for a single or even for a large group, gasgrillsare known as the perfect choice for virtually any cook wholikes tocreate amazing bbq flavor.Barbecue or barbeque, typically shorted to familiar termslikeBBQ, Bar B Que, and ‘barbie,’ is a method and apparatus forcookingmeat with the heat and hot smoke of a fire, smoking wood,hot coalsof charcoal, cooking gas, or even electricity. The cookingprocessincludes the application of a marinade, spice rub or bastingsauceto the meat. Vegetables are also very much part of thissomewhatritualistic cooking process.Barbecue is one of the world's favorite foods, and with thewidearray of flavors available it's not hard to see why. Learnmoreabout the exciting process of making your own delicious saucesandroasting, grilling, or even frying it to perfection at my site.Bonappetit!Barbecue is as American as apple pie. It's aroma evokesmemoriesof baseball games, swimming and family vacations. Mouthswater whenthe grill is fired up. Preparing meat for the barbecue isjust asimportant as the cooking itself. Marinating infuses flavorinto themeat, ensuring a delicious family meal that will not beeasilyforgotten.Barbecue Party has a great selection of delicious andmouthwateringbarbecue recipes . You may also like to find out howto make yourown homemade barbecue sauce.Barbecue brisket originated in Texas in all probability istheresult of all the beef that's grown in the state. Brisket istough.It is the cut of meat now just behind the foreshank. It has aboatload of connective tissue that's filled with collagen.The Tasty Barbecue Memory Game is mouth watering andwillchallenge your memory.
Amazing Architecture Game 1.0
Douglas Richburg
The Amazing Architecture Memory Game is ascorekept matching game, featuring various architecture of theworld.This game is free and challenges the memory. Score is keptallowingyou to try and do better each time.Another thrilling feature to the Amazing Architecture MemoryGamethat makes it even more awesome then just a matching game -you mustfind the icons that match in some way! When you make alinked matchthe architecture game for kids & adults will showthe link. Youalso get some help along the way.The Amazing Architecture Memory Game is addictive andwillchallenge your memory. Have Fun!!!Architecture is design but not all design is architectural.Inpractice, the architect is the one who draws the linebetweensoftware architecture (architectural design) and detaileddesign(non architectural design). There aren't rules or guidelinesthatfit all cases, although there have been attempts to formalizethedistinction. According to the Intension/Locality Hypothesis,thedistinction between architectural and detailed design is definedbythe Locality Criterion, according to which a statementaboutsoftware design is non local (architectural) if and only ifaprogram that satisfies it can be expanded into a program thatdoesnot. For example, the client–server style isarchitectural(strategic) because a program that is built on thisprinciple canbe expanded into a program that is notclient–server—for example,by adding peer to peer nodes.Architecture is the art and science of building design.Buildingconstruction is the process of assembling materials to formabuilding. Building design may be legally executed only bypersonsdeemed competent to do so by the state in which the buildingis tobe constructed. Competency is determined on the basis ofeducation,experience, and ability to pass a written test ofdesignskills.Architecture Evaluation is the process of determining how wellthecurrent design or a portion of it satisfies therequirementsderived during analysis. An evaluation can occurwhenever anarchitect is considering a design decision, it can occurafter someportion of the design has been completed, it can occurafter thefinal design has been completed or it can occur after thesystemhas been constructed. Some of the available softwarearchitectureevaluation techniques include Architecture TradeoffAnalysis Method(ATAM) and TARA. Frameworks for comparing thetechniques arediscussed in frameworks such as SARA Report andArchitecturereviews: practice and experience.Architecture Evolution is the process of maintaining andadaptingan existing software architecture to meet requirementandenvironmental changes. As software architecture providesafundamental structure of a software system, its evolutionandmaintenance would necessarily impact its fundamental structure.Assuch, architecture evolution is concerned with addingnewfunctionality as well as maintaining existing functionalityandsystem behaviour.Architecture is said to be one of the glamorous professionsinthe world. Therefore the presence of the name of anArchitectitself may bring value to a building. For instance thepresence ofthe name Geofrey Bawa itself increases the reputationand touristattraction to his hotels and the presence of the nameSit NormanFroster have increased the reputation of his Hong Kongand Shanghaibank. The amount of publications and seminars held theworld overon the subject of Froster and his design has made thebank a worldwide reputed place and that reputation adds value totheirbusiness.The Amazing Architecture Memory Game is addictive and willchallengeyour memory.
Healthy Vegetables Memory Game 1.0
Douglas Richburg
The Healthy Vegetables Memory Game is ascorekept matching game, featuring vegetables that's good foryouroverall health. This game is free and challenges the memory.Scoreis kept allowing you to try and do better each time.Another thrilling feature to the Healthy Vegetables MemoryGamethat makes it even more awesome then just a matching game -youmust find the icons that match in some way! When you make alinkedmatch the healthy vegetables game for kids & adults willshowthe link. You also get some help along the way.The Healthy Vegetables Memory Game is addictive andwillchallenge your memory. Have Fun!!!Vegetables are eaten in a variety of ways, as part of main mealsandas snacks. The nutritional content of vegetablesvariesconsiderably, though generally they contain little protein orfat,and varying proportions of vitamins such as Vitamin A, VitaminKand Vitamin B6, provitamins, dietary minerals andcarbohydrates.Vegetables contain a great variety of otherphytochemicals, some ofwhich have been claimed to have antioxidant,antibacterial,antifungal, antiviral and anticarcinogenicproperties. Somevegetables also contain fiber, important forgastrointestinalfunction. Vegetables containimportant nutrients necessary for healthy hair and skin as well.Aperson who refrains from dairy and meat products, and eatsonlyplants (including vegetables) is known as a vegan.Vegetables fruits that are procured from the market contain a lotofpesticides. This is why doctors advise not to have them raw.Butthere is an alternative. If you want to consume fresh fruitsandvegetables, you can grow organic vegetables in your gardens. Itisan easy thing to do. They have a lot of nutrients that werefoundin the vegetables of yesteryears. Vegetables can becultivatedpretty well any time of year if you use greenhousevegetablegardening plans. Cultivating them in a hothouse is notunlikeraising vegetables in the garden in summer. You just need totakeseveral added steps in order toartificially supply what they would get in a natural situation.Raw vegetables contain the most nutrients, but cookingthevegetables helps to make them more digestible and has theaddedbenefit of helping to kill any harmful bacteria. A gentlecookingmethod is best to reduce nutrient loss. Steaming freshvegetablesis often considered the best way to prepare thevegetables foreating, while boiling vegetables in water for a longtime is theworst way, since water soluble vitamins leach into theboilingwater. Although nutrient loss in microwavedfood has been a controversial topic in the past, thecurrentthinking is that microwaving is a good cooking methodbecause thereis no water to leach nutrients. Like all cookingmethods, though,the food should be cooked for a short time ifmaximum nutrientretention is desired.Root vegetables such as carrots, beets and turnips do wellinperforated plastic containers in the fridge. Cut off the leafytopsbecause they will draw moisture out of the root.Best Vegetables For FreezingMost blends of frozen mixed vegetables will include severalofthe following: beans, peppers, corn, peas, zucchini,broccoli,cauliflower, mushrooms, eggplant, carrots, beets,spinach,asparagus and artichokes. As a general rule, vegetableswith firmerflesh and relatively low water content are the bestcandidates forfreezing, although there are a few exceptions. Frozencelery cansometimes be found in mixed vegetable blends as well,although itsflavor and texture doesn't compare well to the freshproduct.Tomatoes can sometimes be found frozen, but they're bestused forsauces, as they lose texture and firmness when frozen.The Healthy Vegetables Memory Game is healthy for your memory.HaveFun!
Valentine Pictures Game 1.0
Douglas Richburg
The Valentine Pictures Game is a scorekeptmatching game, featuring various Valentine pictures of theworld.This game is free and challenges the memory. Score is keptallowingyou to try and do better each time.Another thrilling feature to the Valentine Pictures Gamethatmakes it even more awesome then just a matching game - youmustfind the icons that match in some way! When you make a linkedmatchthe steam train game for kids & adults will show the link.Youalso get some help along the way.The Valentine Pictures Game is addictive and will challengeyourmemory. Have Fun!!!Valentines Day is that day of the year that is celebratedwithlove and romance. Every year, the festival falls on 14thFebruaryand is celebrated in large numbers of countries. In thepresenttime, it has acquired a global flavor, and is celebrated bypeopleof all ages. The celebration involves exchange of giftsandpicturesValentine's Day images are predominately reds, pinks, black,andwhite. The supplies you will need for this project arelistedbelow. I prefer tempera paint as they are easy to use andthey dryfast. They are non toxic and clean up is super easy! A fewpaintbrushes and a stabilo pencil will have you painting yourgreetingpicture quickly!Valentine's day gifts for men does not stop there. Dosomespecial things for the man that you love. Break out his smartphoneand download some nice slow love music on it and call himlaterduring the day and just say I love you and have him listen tothesong you put on the cell phone. Send him flowers. Get him acardwith a nice picture or song on it. Leave a little note inhispocket about how you feel about him. Leave a note in his caraboutthe love you want to share with him when he gets home. Sendhim asing a gram at work or see if a few friends to do it.Valentine is a town in Jeff Davis County, Texas, UnitedStates.The population was 187 at the 2000 census. It is theonlyincorporated municipality in Jeff Davis County. Its name referstothe date of its founding in 1882 by a Southern PacificRailroadconstruction crew: February 1 It is one of several citiesnamedValentine in the United States where the United StatesPostalService cancels envelopes for Valentine's Day.Leave little notes telling her how much you care around thehousein places you know she will find them, like on the bathroommirror,on top of the milk, in her purse etc. You can also includeclues andpictures on the bottom of each message to help her findherValentine’s day gift.Valentine's day gifts for men can be easy if you break it downtohis hobbies, likes, or what he really wants is something youalreadyknow. He's a fishermen, golfer, bowler, tennis player,watchessports, video gamer, photo collector, writer, rapper, chessplayer,likes traveling, likes jewelry, likes watches, likes musicorwhatever else you know about. Be creative thinking along thoselinesand you will have an excellent choice of a gift that he willlike.Love that man...he's taking you out that evening.Valentine is home to, as one politician puts it, "thegreatestever West Texas Valentine's Day celebration." Hosted by theBigBend Brewing Company of Alpine, TX, as many as 1,000 peopleinvadeValentine on Valentine's Day from points as close asValentineitself, Marfa, and Alpine, to the far away places ofChicago andCleveland. In 2014, the west Texas brewery served freecups of beerwhile Gary P. Nunn played live on stage, under themoonlit nightand stars. At 10:43pm, one conscientious observer, whowas known tobe Yankee by birth (but Texan by hope), remarked thatthefestivity's relative coordinate, on its corresponding valuemap,was squarely in the top right quadrant.The Valentine Pictures Game is fun and will challenge yourbrainretention skills.
Aquarium Coral Reefs Game 1.0
Douglas Richburg
The Aquarium Coral Reefs Memory Game is ascorekept matching game, featuring various aquarium coral reefs.Thisgame is free and challenges the memory. Score is kept allowingyouto try and do better each time.Another thrilling feature to the Aquarium Coral Reefs MemoryGamethat makes it even more awesome then just a matching game -you mustfind the icons that match in some way! When you make alinked matchthe aquarium coral reefs game for kids & adultswill show thelink. You also get some help along the way.The Aquarium Coral Reefs Memory Game is addictive andwillchallenge your memory. Have Fun!!!Coral reefs are under stress around the world. Inparticular,coral mining, agricultural and urban runoff, pollution(organic andinorganic), overfishing, blast fishing, disease, andthe digging ofcanals and access into islands and bays are localizedthreats tocoral ecosystems. Broader threats are sea temperaturerise, sealevel rise and pH changes from ocean acidification, allassociatedwith greenhouse gas emissions. In 1998, 16% of theworld's reefsdied as a result of increased water temperature.Coral reefs on land provide lime for use as buildingblocks("coral rag"). Coral rag is an important local buildingmaterial inplaces such as the East African coast.Coral reefs are formed due to the calcium carbonate secretionofthe corals. Corals are colonies of tiny microscopic organismsthatare called as polyps. Coral reefs are also called asrainforests ofthe sea. They occupy less than one tenth of the onepercent of thewhole ocean floor, altogether in the world. The totalarea ofcoverage of the coral reef would be about the total landarea ofFrance. However, the reef supports more than twenty fivepercent ofanimals in the sea by providing them shelter or food.Small animalslike snails, Sea Monkeys, and sea insects build theirnests in thereef and bigger Deep Sea Fishes seek their food fromit.Coral reefs can reduce the impact of global warming, coralReefsin the good conditions have a wide function like split wavesandreduce erosion and the reserve limestone deposition thatcontainscarbon. These also can be functioning to reduce carbon totheatmosphere, therefore is able to reduce the impact damage ontheozone.Coral reefs are a very important component of marineecosystem.Coral reefs look like plants but they are actuallyanimals. Variouskinds of fish and other marine animals live inthem. They are thebest hiding place for small fish. In fact thefunction of coralreefs is the similar to that of tropicalrainforest. So, we mustpreserve them too. When doingphotosynthesis, algae zooxanthellaethat live in symbioticrelationship with the coral reef absorbs CO2gases. In other words,coral reefs help reduce global warming.Besides coral reef, seagrasses are also important food resourcesfor turtles and dugongs.All of use are responsible in preservingthe coral reef and thewhole marine environment. The easiest thingthat we can do is by notthrowing plastic bottles along the streetsand ditches wherever wego. These wastes will end up at sea whenthe rain comes.Coral reefs are often called rain forest of the sea. Theyoccupyless than one tenth of one percent of the world oceansurface. Theyprovide home for many marine species including fish,mollusks,echinoderms and sponges.Coral reefs need our help, and as one of the seven wonders oftheworld, they deserve it. Endangered coral reefs all around theworldare being destroyed by human activites and getting smallerandsmaller due to environmental problems. Learn what is causingcoralreef damage and what we need to do in order to save them.The Aquarium Coral Reefs Memory Game is addictive andwillchallenge your memory.
Knights In Armor Game 1.0
Douglas Richburg
The Knights In Armor Memory Game is ascorekept matching game, featuring various knights of the world.Thisgame is free and challenges the memory. Score is kept allowingyouto try and do better each time.Another thrilling feature to the Knights In Armor MemoryGamethat makes it even more awesome then just a matching game -youmust find the icons that match in some way! When you make alinkedmatch the knights in armor game for kids & adults willshow thelink. You also get some help along the way.The Knights In Armor Memory Game is addictive and willchallengeyour memory. Have Fun!!!Medieval armor went through great changes throughout history.Asbattles were fought and lives were lost, people of the timefiguredout what types of armor worked better for certaincircumstances.Knights and warriors needed to be able to movefreely, but theyalso needed sturdy armor to allow them the chanceto live throughbattle. With time, a knight's armor was perfected sothey could gointo combat without having to worry.Knights and the ideals of knighthood featured largely inmedievaland Renaissance literature, and have secured a permanentplace inliterary romance. While chivalric romances abound,particularlynotable literary portrayals of knighthood include TheSong ofRoland, Geoffrey Chaucer's The Knight's Tale,BaldassareCastiglione's The Book of the Courtier, and Miguel deCervantes'Don Quixote, as well as Sir Thomas Malory's Le Morted'Arthur andother Arthurian tales (Geoffrey of Monmouth's HistoriaRegumBritanniae, the Pearl Poet's Sir Gawain and the GreenKnight,etc.).The wearing of chain mail and body armor has been an effectivemeansof protection in combat and war for centuries. Its use datesback tothe Greeks and early roman empire where warriors andlegionnairesdonned metal plate and mail armour. The medieval eraknights aremost remembered for their elaborate and battle shieldsin brilliantcolors. But a knight's armour was more thatprotection. It reflectedhis status and lifestyle.Medieval armor often offered protection for all of thelimbs,including metal boots for the lower legs, gauntlets for thehandsand wrists, and greaves for the legs. Today, protection oflimbsfrom bombs is provided by a bombsuit. Most modernsoldierssacrifice limb protection for mobility, since armor thickenough tostop bullets would greatly inhibit movement of the armsandlegs.Knights provided a kind of armor called barding for theirsteeds.This metal plate protection served a dual purpose. On theone hand,it provided practical resistance against all manner offirearms,swords, axes, maces, and the like. On the other hand, itserved anaesthetic purpose. Gilded barding announced a knightssocialposition and served as a badge of ownership. Cavalry armorfor thesteeds included helmets, back plates, and central steelpieces.The earliest form of medieval armor mail (a.k.a. chainmail)traces its origins back to around 500 BC. The Celticpeopledeveloped this kind of armor iron rings woven together intoaprotective garment and the Roman Army later copied thisengineeringto protect its soldiers. In the early Medieval Ages,armorcraftsmen added discs, plates, and groin caps to standard mailgearto protect vulnerable areas. Leather coats, kneecaps,underarmprotectors (a.k.a. …The medieval soldiers shield armor likewise evolved overthecourse of the centuries to respond to developments inoffensiveweaponry. In the early Middle Ages, medieval warriors usedwoodenshields covered in leather (or other soft material). Asadvancedbows and weapons made their way onto the battlefield,however, softshields proved ineffectual. Craftsmen began toincorporate iron andsteel support in shield designs.theirarmor.The Knights In Armor Memory Game is addictive and willchallengeyour memory. Have Fun!!!